The first day

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Amber's POV:

I woke up early in the morning to my alarm buzzing. I got out of bed and head over to the bathroom. Slowly turning on the water in my shower waiting for it to heat up, then stripping off my clothes, and getting in.

I felt to warm water run down my body. I had noticed my body had gotten curvier after my first few years at Hogwarts. The boys noticed first and started calling me out on it.

I finished my shower and got out. I dried off my body and looked at myself in the mirror. I had some things I used to not like about myself like my hip dips and stretch marks, and cellulite. I decided not to worry about it.

I dried my hair and walked back into my room. I went over to my closest and put my uniform on, i could never do my tie right so I went over and dried my hair. I walked back into my room and heard a knock at my door. I went over and opened the door and saw Cedric smiling at me.

"Hello darling, how are you?" Cedric asked sweetly.
"Oh I'm okay, how are you?" I asked while doing my makeup.
"Better now that i'm with you" he joked.

he doesn't mean it

i want him to mean it

i want him

he doesn't want you.

"Ced will you help me with my tie please?" I asked, being confused about how to do it. "Of course" Cedric walked over to me and asked, "How would you feel if I entered the tournament?" I was hesitant to reply.
"I would be scared for you Ced" I replied honestly. "That's fair, but I think i'm going to enter" Cedric admitted. I was silent. I didn't know what to say.

Cedric and I walked to breakfast, without talking. I sat down in between Cedric and Leah. Professor Sprout had handed out our time tables this morning, but I promised Leah we would open ours together.
"Are you kidding me! We only have one class together!" Leah exclaimed.
"Really?" I asked comparing our time tables. We had herbology together first block.

I was ahead one year in potions, so I would have it with seventh years instead of sixth years.
"Cedric, what time do you have potions? I asked hoping I would have it with him.
"Before lunch, when do you have it?" he replied.
"We have potions together!" I said smiling. Cedric smiled at me before he went back to eating his food.

I walked with Leah to Herbology which one our first and only class together.
"I need to tell you something" Leah said smiling at the ground.
"Ooo do tell" I said slightly giggling. She still didn't look at me when she said
"I like Cedric" she said blushing slightly.
"I get why" I said trying to ignore the hurt feeling in my chest and just laughing slightly.

she's prettier than you

he's likes her

why are you like this

you're the one who is in love with someone who doesn't love you back.

I was pulled back into reality when I heard professor Sprout start talking about the rules for the greenhouses. After class was finished I went on my way to potions class.

I walked into potions when professor Snape told everyone we would have assigned seats that we will have for the whole year. Cedric walked over to me and smiled.
"Who do you want to sit next to?" Cedric whispered in my ear.
"You, obviously" I quietly said back.
"Ms.Lupin and Mr.Diggory 5 points from hufflepuff. do. not. speak. out. of. turn." Snape said sourly.
"Sorry professor" I said looking down.

Snape had never liked me. Probably because I wasn't a slytherin, I was really good at potions though so he had to give me grades that reflected my work.

After a couple of minutes I heard professor Snape say "Mr.Diggory and Mrs.Lupin here" Snape said pointing at a desk. Cedric and I gave eachother a small smile and headed over to our seats.

"This year we will brew death, love, glory, and many more, I will not tolerate any rule breaking or silly incantation." Snape said in his dark monotone voice. "Next week we will be brewing amortentia, I will do a demonstration, then you and your partner will brew it together.

Potions was excruciatingly long, but once it was finished we had lunch and that was better than having another class. Cedric and I walked to lunch when Leah came to greet us.
"Hi Cedric" Leah said shyly.
"Oh, uh hi Leah" he replied caught a little off guard.

After lunch I had defense against the dark arts with Fred, then transfiguration with George, and somehow I had charms with both of the twins.

The rest of my classes went by slowly. At the end Of charms it had started pouring rain, I had heard Fred and George talking about stealing some of Snapes aging potion so they could get through the age line and enter their names for the triwizard tournament.

Cedric was outside of the charms classroom waiting for me.

he's so sweet

that's just his personality

he was waiting for me

he's just being friendly.

Cedric and I walked across the courtyard in the rain when he said "Will you go with me to put my name in the goblet... please, Amber?" He said looking at me in the eyes.
"of course Ced" I told him trying to seem supportive.

he looks so good with wet hair

stop looking at him like that

maybe we can be more

no you can't

you don't know that

yes you do.

"Nice tits!" Said someone from across the courtyard. I looked down and realized you could see my bra through my shirt. I wrapped my robes tighter around myself feeling my face get hot from embarrassment. Cedric scoffed and said
"Why don't you fuck off yeah?" to the guy who catcalled me.
"Stop, it's fine i'm used to it." I argued.
"That shouldn't be happening and you shouldn't be used to it" he said getting angry.

Cedric and I walked into the great hall and he wrote his name down on a peice on parchment and threw his name into the goblet. He turned back around and engulfed me into a very long hug. Before he pulled all the way back he kissed my forhead.

he's never done that before.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now