Going home

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Amber's POV:

We would be going home today. Another year at hogwarts ending. The year was quite unusual to me. Cedric and I started dating. He was a triwaizard champion.

Cedric and I grabbed our trunks and walked down the stairs to the common room. We set our trunks along with the others and sat down. Cedric pulled me closer to him and kissed my temple.

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me darling" He said softly.
"I love you"
"I love you darling"

I walked alongside with Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermionie, and Cedric onto the train. Fred, George, Cedric, and I would share a compartment like we always did.

Cedric picked a compartment close to the back of the train. Fred and George were talking about pranks they could pull on Ron and Percy. I leaned my head on Cedric's shoulder and grabbed his hand.

The train ride was horribly long as it usually was. We finally arrived at kings cross station. We walked out of the train and I saw Cedric's parents talking to James, Lily, and Sirius.

Cedric and I walked over to our families. Sirius pulled me into a hug and said,
"You really tried to hide that you're dating him!".
"What- no, I didn't hide it, I just didn't tell you" I laughed.

Harry and Remus had found us and said their hello's to everyone. 
"So we were talking about Cedric coming over to visit in the summer, or you could go over to him, your choice" James said smiling at me.
"I can come to you, if that would be easier" Cedric said looking very happy. "Yes that would work" Said James.

Cedric and his family had said their goodbyes and walked through the wall to get to the muggle part of the station. Remus pulled me aside from everyone and said,
"Professor Snape has asked me if you would like to get to know him, he wants to be apart of your life" I didn't know what to do.
"Oh uhm okay that would be fine" I said.

We walked through the wall and walked down to an alley so we could apparate home. I dragged my trunk up the stairs into my room. I missed it here. Being with everyone. I always missed it while i was at hogwarts.

I started to unpack all of my things. Cedric's hoodie was laying on the top of all my clothes. He must have slipped it in when I wasn't looking. He's the sweetest.

The first two weeks of vacation Harry and I would stay here with everyone. Harry and I were going to spend two weeks with the Weasley's. Hermionie would be there too of course.

I still didn't know when Cedric would be visiting. I hope it's soon. He just left but I miss him. Not seeing him everyday wasn't the same.

I walked downstairs to see Remus and Sirius kissing in the kitchen. I turned around but they saw me.
"I'm sorry, we were going to tell you" Remus said frantically.
"It's okay, I had a feeling about you two" I laughed. I walked back up the stairs to go bother Harry.

I walked into Harry's room and just sat down.
"What?" Harry asked while sitting down on his bed.
"I don't know." I said, shrugging.
"Okay" Harry said throwing a pillow at me. I threw the pillow back at Harry and walked out of his room into mine.

An owl was tapping on my window so with a letter. I opened my window and pet the owl slightly. It was a letter from Cedric.

Dear Amber,

Hi darling, I know I just saw you but I already miss you. When would be a good time to see you? I will be busy the next two weeks. I love you.

forever yours

I grabbed a quill and a piece of parchment and wrote him back.

Dear Cedric,

I will be staying at home the next two weeks, then Harry and I will be staying with the Weasley's for two weeks. I will write you when I am back home. I love you.

forever your darling
- Amber

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now