Stress relief pt.1*

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Warning: sexual content

Amber's POV:

Cedric and I had both been very stressed about planning our wedding. Both of your families got involved, giving us a mountain of ideas. Ced and I hadn't been able to tell each other what we wanted because every one else was budding in all the time. We would be so tired by the end of the day that we would just go to sleep once we got in bed.

We barely had any time alone with each other. From both of us working, and people coming over to help with the wedding it just never happened. I could tell he needed some tension released, as I felt the same way. We hadn't had sex in weeks, we both needed it.

I decided to come home early one day, making sure nobody would be coming over. I got on Cedric's favorite matching set of my lingerie. I waited for him to come through the fireplace. I sat on the couch feeling slightly anxious. One, because I had never surprised him like this before, and two, I was basically naked sitting on the couch in my living room, anyone could walk in and see me.

I was pulled from my thoughts to see Cedric walking out of the fireplace. He paused once he saw me. He looked at me up and down before shedding his jacket and his shoes off.
"I like this surprise." He smirked picking me up from the couch. I wrapped my legs around his waist, while my hands played with his hair.

"I thought we needed it." I smiled before kissing him. Cedric had moved us to the nearest wall, my back pressing against it. Our kisses were getting sloppy. Cedric sucked and kissed on my neck. I stood on my feet while Cedric massaged my breasts. I had started kissing his neck, leaving faint purple marks on him. I unbuttoned his shirt, kissing my way down to his belt.

I looked up at him, asking for permission. Once he nodded. I slowly unbuckled his belt, and palmed him through his trousers. I felt his bulge grow significantly. Cedric was standing over me, both of his large hands pressed against the wall. He softly groaned as I lowered his trousers and boxers.

His tip glistened with precum. I stroked him a couple times, swiping my thumb over his tip occasionally. I brought my lips to him slightly sucking his tip. Cedric moaned at my actions. I could tell he was frustrated at how slow I was going, I didn't care so I kept teasing him.

I continued to slowly stroke him and I bobbed my head on him inch by inch. I fit most of him into my mouth, I stroked his base with my hand. Cedric had finally had enough and bucked his hips towards me. I decided to speed up the pace and bobbed my head faster. I felt him slightly twitch in my mouth. His moans becoming louder with each bob of my head.

Cedric's liquid shot into the back of my throat. Him grunting and groaning. I removed my mouth from him, swallowing his cum I stood up, wiping the bit of cum that had leaked from my mouth with my thumb and sucked it all off. "You're amazing, you know that?" Cedric said, sounding slightly mesmerized. I laughed a bit before asking, "What should we have for dinner?"

"Let me make you feel good." Cedric said in a raspy voice.
"Well I imagine you're hungry, and I am so dinner" I said ducking slightly under Cedric's arm that was still pressed against the wall. "But-" He argued.
"After dinner, now I'm going to change." I said turning the corner.
"No, don't change." Cedric followed me.
"What you want me to eat dinner in lingerie?" I asked, giggling.
"Yes, now if it makes you feel better i'll just be in my underwear." He smiled. I contemplated it for a second before deciding it would be worth it.
"Okay, fine." I laughed.

Cedric and I made dinner in our underwear, both of us getting distracted by each other. Cedric would come up behind me, hold my waist, and start kissing my neck. I would just be caught staring at every part of him. he has a really nice ass.

Once we had finally gotten done with making dinner, we just had to get through a meal without getting distracted. Cedric was eating as fast as he could, knowing what would come after we ate.
"You look like your going to eat me" I laughed before taking a bite of food. Cedric had been staring intently at me ever sense he finished eating.
"I am going to eat you, just not in the cannibal way" He smirked.

Not being able to take the anticipation anymore I am had decided I was done eating. I cleared off my plate, putting it in the dishwasher. Cedric and I cleaned up the rest of dinner.
"Now?" Cedric asked still staring at me. I nodded. Cedric walked over to me kissing me softly. He pulled me close to him, still kissing me.

Cedric moved down to my neck, kissing and sucking softly. He had unclipped my bra, throwing it across the room. He lifted me onto the table, while sucking and massaging my breasts.
"I have a surprise for you too." He said lustfully. He left momentarily before he came back and handed me a box.

It was a vibrator. It was magical so it would stay on you so you didn't have to hold it. It was able to tell when you were close to climaxing. Cedric was able to control it with his wand. I looked back up at him and took it out of the box. It wasn't very big, Cedric had turned it on, it was very powerful.

i already knew what he was going to do

i'm in for a long night.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now