Ending (no kids)

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This is a few years later
(They don't have kids)

Amber's POV:

Cedric and I continued our jobs. He had become a highly respected and successful mediwizard. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes had grown immensely.

We had decided not to have kids because we just weren't interested in it. We focused on our careers and our relationship.

We would spent out nights holding each other or going to see our friends and family. This was perfect. Everything was going great for us.

Professor Mcgonnagal had replaced Dumbledore after he retired. Snape was going to retire as well. Him and Mcgonnagal had asked me to replace him as the potions master. Of course I agreed, how could I not.

Madam Pomfrey, the hogwarts nurse, had been looking for a replacement so she could retire as well. She gave that job to no other than Cedric.

We would be able to still be with each other as we worked at hogwarts. We were both extremely excited to work at the place we fell in love.

I would be the youngest person on the staff at hogwarts, but I didn't mind. I was nervous about teaching potions but Cedric and Snape helped me through that.

The day had come where we would be off to hogwarts. Cedric and I sat in a compartment, like we did when we were young and secretly in love with one another while we were spending our years as hogwarts.

It was weird to think that I would be teaching with the professors that taught me. Even better, I would be teaching the Weasley and Potter kids.

I would get to teach Ron and Hermionie's kids, Harry and Ginny's kids, Bill and Fleur's kid, and George and Angelina's kids. Fred had a girlfriend and I knew he was going to propose to her soon, but they didn't have kids quite yet.

Cedric and I walked up to the castle reliving the magic we felt when we first came here when we were eleven.

"I love you"
"I love you darling"

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now