The cabin*

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warning: sexual content

Amber's POV:

Cedric and I talked about what had happened with Leah at the wedding. I had no idea she still felt that way for him. Cedric never even knew she liked him in the first place. Alex broke up with her, because of that whole thing.

We would be leaving for Switzerland today. We were going by portkey. Cedric and I had already packed our bags and we were ready to go. The portkey was a teacup, that would take us right to the cabin.

"Ready darling?" Cedric asked, smiling.
"Yes" I smiled back. Both of us grabbed onto the portkey. We were spinning rapidly. I fell into a pile of snow. Cedric, however had come down easily.
"I don't get how you do that" I laughed, as he pulled me out of the snow.
"Practice." He laughed.

We walked into the large cabin, cozy and warm were the only words I felt could describe it. There was a large bedroom with a bathroom upstairs, a kitchen, and a large sitting room. There was a balcony attached to the bedroom, with a hot tub.

Cedric and I had started to unpack our things when he pulled out my bikini.
"Do you wanna go in the hot tub?" He asked, slightly smirking. I looked over at him,
"Okay" I shrugged.

Cedric and I changed into our bathing suits. We had grabbed towels from the bathroom and headed out towards the balcony. It was cold outside, there were dark clouds, but we still went anyways.

Cedric pulled me close to him. The warm water making a slight blush creep up on both of our faces. Cedric had kept looking down at my chest.
"My eyes are up here, Mr.Diggory" I said, lifting his ching up with my finger.
"I can't help it if you're so beautiful, Mrs.Diggory" He said, pulling me into his lap.

My back was against his chest, I could feel his hands move up and down my body.
"Cedric" I softly moaned, as he moved his hand to my inner thigh and kissed my neck.
"Yes darling" He continued to kiss my neck and rub my thighs.

I turned myself around so I was facing him. I straddled his lap, while I kissed him. His hands wandered over my chest and back. He had pulled me closer, our chests pressed together. My hands played with his hair as we kissed each other softly.

Cedric had untied my top, and set it on the side of the hot tub. His hands massaged my breasts, while he kissed down my neck. I slowly moved my hips on him, feeling some of the friction I craved.

Snowflakes had started to fall from the dark clouds.
"It's snowing" I laughed, feeling the snowflakes fall onto me.
"We should go inside" He said, looking at me hungrily. We wrapped towels around us as soon as we got out of the hot tub.

Once we had gotten inside, Cedric pulled me close to him again and started kissing me. I let my towel fall to the floor. I ran my hands over Cedric's chest, up to his hair.

I had started kissing his neck, down to his chest. I had gotten down to my knees, I looked up at Cedric before I did anything. He nodded. I pulled his swimsuit down, seeing his erection spring out.

I stroked him up and down, softly swiping my thumb over the tip. I slowly took him in my mouth, stroking what I couldn't fit with my hand. Cedric had groaned and softly starting trusting his hips into my face. He hit the back of my throat, I gagged. I had started moving faster. I felt him twitch slightly in my mouth. He was close. I heard an eruption of moans come from him, while cum shot into the back of my throat.

I stood up, wiping the excess cum that had dripped from my mouth, and sucked it off of my finger. Cedric pulled me close again. letting us fall into the fluffy bed. We were kissing each other softly.

our hands slowly exploring each other like it was the first time. Cedric kissed my forehead before dropping to his elbows. He positioned himself at my entrance. He looked up at me, I nodded. Cedric pushed into me.

He slowly thrusted into me, holding onto the bed frame. Both of our breaths had gotten heavy. Cedric had sped up slightly. My legs at his sides. He hit the perfect spot over and over again.

Cedric and I made eye contact as we both felt our highs coming. He twitched inside of me, I tightened around him. Both of our moans filled the room. Cedric and I stared at each other, before we kissed like it was the last thing we would do.

"I love you"
"I love you darling"

authors note:
awe honeymoon :) anyways did anyone notice that the sex scene is inspired by twilight?




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