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Amber's POV:

It was late October now, we would be getting married tomorrow. Hermionie, Ginny, and Leah brought me to the burrow, because Cedric and I weren't allowed to see eachother, as Leah said.

My dress was gorgeous, it had a v-neck cut and beautiful lace flowers flowing from the corset to the skirt. I would have my hair in a low bun. My makeup would be simple, I had never liked the way a lot of makeup felt on my face.

I was feeling anxious about tomorrow. Not that Cedric would leave me or anything, but what if something bad happens. I tried to push it out of my mind but it just kept coming back to me.

Leah made us all get out 'beauty sleep' that night. Hermionie, Ginny, and Leah would be my bridesmaids. Alex, and two of Cedric's other friends would be his groomsmen.

Amos would be officiating the wedding. I owed a dance to all of the Weasley boys, Remus, Sirius, James, Harry, and Snape. That's 13 boys I would dance with, including my soon-to-be husband.

I woke up in the morning feeling extremely excited. We're getting married today. We apparated to Cedric and I's house. The wedding would be held in the meadow. Cedric would be getting ready at his parents house.

Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, and Harry had come over early to help set up. Lily helped me with my makeup, while everyone else helped set the decorations up.
"How are you feeling" Lily asked, smiling at me.
"Excited" I said, with a grin on my face.

"He's here" Remus smiled at me.
"Really?" I asked, smiling more. He nodded, I walked over to the window in our bedroom that overlooked the meadow. Sure enough, there he was. Cedric looked beautiful.

All of the guests had arrived. It was time. I'm getting married. Remus and I walked out of the house together, our arms linked. My heels were uncomfortable to walk in, but I just dealt with it. My breath quickened as we got into view of the guests.

Cedric's POV:

After I saw Amber I cried. Not because I was sad, but because she just looked so beautiful. This is the happiest I have ever felt. We're getting married.

Amber's POV:

Remus kissed my cheek as Cedric took my hand. We were both crying now. I just couldn't help it. I am so incredibly happy right now.

"Cedric and Amber, please take each other's hands, Now I ask you both to repeat the marriage vows." Amos instructed. "I, Cedric Diggory take you, Amber Lupin for my wedded wife, To love and to cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward."

"I, Amber Lupin take you, Cedric Diggory for my wedded husband, To love and to cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward."

"Are there any objections?" Asked Amos.
"I'm in love with you Cedric, I have been sense sixth year." It was Leah.

i knew something bad would happen

he's not going to leave me

she's with alex.

"No" Cedric said looking at Leah. Alex looked shocked and angry. Leah walked out of the meadow, storming off. Cedric and I turned back to each other, both of us looking shocked.

"Okay, well, Do you, Cedric Diggory take Amber Lupin as your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do"
"And do you, Amber Lupin take Cedric Diggory as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"

Cedric and I slipped the rings on each other's fingers,
"You may kiss the bride!" Cedric pulled me in for a sweet kiss. we're married.

Cedric and I smiled the whole time we danced together. Staring into each other's eyes was the best feeling. I danced with almost every single person at the wedding.

We would be going on our honeymoon in the mountains somewhere in Switzerland. We had rented out a cabin for a month. Cedric and I, alone, together, for a month.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now