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Warning: sexual content

Amber's POV:

I woke up on the morning of my nineteenth birthday to Cedric softly kissing down my neck. My hands latched onto his hair, running through his soft locks of golden brown hair.

I moaned as he kissed right under my jaw, slowly moving down to my collarbones. He gently lifted my shirt off of me, running his cold hands across my chest.

Cedric kissed all the way down to my inner thighs. He softly tugged at my underwear, silently asking for permission.
"Yes" I moaned breathlessly as he kissed my thighs once more.

He slowly ran his tongue over me. Softly sucking on my clit, as he teased me with his fingers at my entrance. Once again I ran my fingers through his hair.

He ran his tongue over my folds as he slipped his fingers inside of me. He slowly pumped in and out of me. I softly moaned as he pulled me closer to him by my hips.

My orgasm flowed through by body as Cedric continued through my high. He removed his fingers from me and sucked all of the juices from them.
"Happy birthday darling" Cedric said after kissing me.

I tried to pull him deeper into the kiss but he just pulled back.
"What do you want for breakfast?" He smirked. "You" I said sitting up next to him.
"Haha very funny, I'm making you pancakes" He said sarcastically.

Cedric and I spent the morning in bed eating pancakes and enjoying each other's company. Many people had come over to celebrate with us. Charlie Weasley and I blew out the candles on our cakes since it was both of our birthdays.

Cedric and I spent the evening in the bath, after everyone had left. I was straddling him while he pulled me close. Our chests were pressed together, which our arms wrapped around each other.

Cedric kissed and sucked down my neck, leaving purple marks in his trail. His hand had come down in between my legs, softly rubbing on my clit. His index and middle finger slowly entered me, while his thumb was still rubbing my clit.

He pumped in and out of me quickly, as he kissed my neck. I tugged on his hair as I came. My moans echoing in the bathroom.

Cedric flipped me over so my back was facing him.
"Are you sure?" He asked positioning himself near my entrance. I nodded slightly before he lowered my hips down onto him. His hands guided me up and down on him.

Our moans filled the bathroom, echoing off the walls. I moved quickly on him feeling that I was close. He twitched inside of me, so I sped up. Cedric and I came at the same time.

Our panting was all we could hear as we came down from our highs. I lifted myself off of Cedric, then I sat in between his legs. Our sweaty skin pressed together. His arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm never going to get used to that feeling" Cedric said kissing my temple.
"What feeling?" I asked, being clueless. "Getting to hold you after sex, well and the sex, it's never going to get old" He smiled. I slightly laughed after he said that. he's right. this will never get old.


Christmas had finally rolled around and Cedric and I's family spent the whole day together. Molly had knitted everyone a sweater with their first initial, even Snape. It was amazing to see him get along with my family, Maybe he isn't a horrible person after all.

Molly, James, and Mrs. Diggory helped me make a delicious Christmas dinner. I had three of the best cooks I knew helping me make dinner so obviously it was fantastic.

New years was chaotic with so many people at our house. Fred and George were trying to get Ron to eat their sweets. Ron knew better than to take anything from Fred and George so he refused.

Bill had recently started dating Fleur Delacour, who was one of the other triwizard champions. It was nice for her and Cedric to talk to each other. We were all having the time of our lives when we heard the countdown on the radio.

"5-4-3-2-1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all enjoyed the countdown. Many of the couples kissed. Remus and sirius, James and Lily, Bill and Fleur, Cedric and I. Surprisingly, Ron kissed Hermionie, and Harry kissed Ginny. All of Ginny's Brothers looked excited except for Ron, He looked slightly disgusted while also looking a little mad.

"I love you" I whispered to Cedric.
"I love you darling" He whispered back.

authors note:
i went from 500 reads to like 600 in a day! what? that is absolutely crazy to me. but thank you so much for reading :)




Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now