Back to hogwarts

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Amber's POV:

The next two weeks spent with Cedric were incredible. We spent time with my family, making jokes and doing things that we enjoyed.  Cedric and I would spend the nights in my bed holding eachother.

Cedric would start his medical training when I would go back to my last year at hogwarts. I knew I would miss him. I didn't see him for two weeks and I missed him terribly. He'll be happy, that's what's important.

Snape and Dumbledore had sent me owls to ask if I would be willing study under Snape to become a potions master like him. i guess it runs in the family.

I had grown used to Snape being my dad. I don't think I would call him dad. He didn't deserve that name. He still left when he should've been there.

Fred and George had started to make more of their boxes they were going to sell at school. They had secretly put some in my drink one time, I was throwing up for an hour. I had to chase both of them down before they apologized.

There were nights spent by fires, days spent swimming with everyone, and Cedric stealing kisses when we were with each other.

The twins and I had gotten our school supplies in diagon alley. School would be starting in a week, I had packed my trunk early so I would have something to do.


Cedric had already started his medical training. He was training in scotland. We would be able to see each other in hogsmeade, which was really good. Cedric had promised me he would go to my quidditch games and cheer me on. I could already see him screaming my name amongst the crowd.

The week before we were going to hogwarts went excruciatingly slow. Once the week had passed, We were ready to leave to kings cross.

"Don't do anything I would" Sirius laughed as we broke apart from our hug,
"I'll try, I guess" I said sarcastically.
"Don't forget to write" Lily said, looking at Harry and I. We said our goodbyes and stepped onto the train.

I found a compartment with Fred and George. They were discussing the idea of a joke shop they could open. They asked me if I would work for them, as a potion master. Of course I agreed, I had a feeling that they would be successful. They were so passionate about this for so long. I was happy to see them talking about their dream.

Cormac McLaggen, a Gryffindor in Harry's year had joined out compartment. I knew he was going to try out of the Gryffindor quidditch team last year, but the Triwizard Tournament had prevented that.

I walked into the bathroom to change into my robes, it was tiny but big enough to change in. I walked back to the compartment and opened the door.

Cormac didn't have a shirt on. I covered my eyes and walked out into the hall.
"It's fine you can come in" Cormac said in a suspicious voice. I opened the door slightly and saw him still standing there, shirtless.
"No, I'll wait until you're done." I said closing the door.

The rest of the train ride was unbearable. Cormac kept looking at me. It made me uncomfortable but I didn't want to be rude to someone I barely knew, so I just tried to ignore it.

We finally arrived at hogsmeade station. It was dark outside, the smell of rain surrounding the air. Hagrid called the first years over to the boats. Fred, George, and I walked over to a carriage. We sat with Harry, Ron, and Hermionie.


I had always loved the sorting ceremony, little kids becoming a part of their house family. There were a great deal of students sorted into hufflepuff this year. It was weird without Cedric. Leah was talking all about Alex, and how they spent their whole summer together. I really tried to listen but I honestly couldn't.

The feast was delicious as it always was. The prefects were to lead the first years to their houses. Ernie Macmillan and I lead the first years to the common room entrance. We showed them how to get in.
"Tap the middle barrel from the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff' I instructed. Unfortunately the first year who was trying it messed up. They moved out of the way and I got sprayed with vinegar.
"That's what happens if you do it incorrectly" I said smiling, trying to hide how pissed off I was.

We made it through the common room. We lead the first years to their dorms. Ernie and I walked to our dorms. I don't know if I should tell him what's happened in there, probably best not to tell him. "Sorry you got sprayed with vinegar" Ernie said giving me an apologetic smile.
"It's alright, I just have to shower. Goodnight Ernie." I said biding him a good night.

My first day at hogwarts without Cedric. i already miss him.

authors note:

this is just a filler chapter, but lmk if you want anything specific to happen! (i'm not gonna make anyone die)

shoutout to -izzywrites
her story is amazing! it's definitely worth the read :)




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