The burrow

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Amber's POV:

Harry and I would be leaving to the burrow today. I was excited to see everyone especially Fred and George. They always knew how to light up a room.

I grabbed my things and walked downstairs. Harry came shortly after me, almost tripping on the last step. I tried to not laugh, but Harry saw my face and immediately said,
"I wouldn't laugh at you if you tripped. "Yes you would Harry, you've done it before" I laughed. Harry just rolled his eyes at me and mumbles something about me being insufferable.

We were talking the floo to the Weasley's like we usually did. I grabbed the powder into my hand and exclaimed,
"The burrow!" Green flames surrounded me and the next thing I know I was thrown into the living room of the Weasley family house. Harry came out shortly after I did and made me trip over my bag. Bill had came into the living room.
"Oh hello, didn't know you two were coming today" He smiled.

Bill and I had always gotten along. Charlie and I had too but I didn't know if he was here yet.
"Hi Bill, where is everyone?" I asked looking around noticing that it was oddly quiet.
"Fred, George, and Ron are outside playing quidditch with Ginny." He said nodding his head to the back door.

Molly Weasley had came in and engulfed Harry and I into large hugs.
"Hi Molly, how are you?" I asked glad to see her. "Oh dear, I'm alright, how are you? Would you like anything?"She asked in her sweet motherly voice.
"I'm okay, thank you though" I replied already glad to be here.

Harry would stay in Ron's room with him and I would stay in Ginny's with Her and Hermionie. I walked up the long staircase that lead up the the floor with Ginny's bedroom. I opened the door and saw Hermionie putting her trunk away.

"Hi Hermionie, how are you?" I asked. "Oh i'm doing fine as usual, how are you?" She asked picking one of her books from her bag.
"I'm okay, glad to be here" I smiled.

Hermionie and I walked down the stairs and out the back door. Harry and came outside before us and had started playing quidditch with everyone.

Fred and George had come up to me and hugged me tightly. They smelled disgusting. They were both sweaty and red faced from being in the hot sun. I decided not to say anything because it would be rude.

"You have to play quidditch with us!" Ginny said hugging me.
"Obviously" I said sarcastically. The Weasley's were the first people I ever played a game of quidditch with. I played chaser that game and I played that position on the house team as well.

I noticed Charlie talking to Harry but before I could go say hi to him Ginny gave me a broomstick, Ron had convinced bill to play with us too, Hermionie agreed to be the judge.

There would be two teams. George, Bill, Harry, and I on a team, and Ginny, Charlie, Fred, and Ron on the other. Ginny and I were the chasers. Fred and George the beaters. Bill, and Ron the keepers. Harry, and Charlie as the seekers.

Hermionie threw the quaffle into the air. I had caught it. I raced over to where Ron was. I trew the ball into the hoop closest to me. A bludger was heading for me but I moved out of the way, George and hit the bludger towards Ginny who had the quaffle.

The game continued for another hour until Harry caught the snitch. Everyone out of breath and red faced. I loved it here.

Molly called us all in for dinner. Molly's food was always delicious. She always made sure everyone had enough to eat.

"So Amber, got any more hickeys from Cedric yet?" Fred teased. Taken back by what Fred just said, I had accidentally choked on my water.
"Her and Diggory!, I saw it coming!" Exclaimed Charlie, who had had met Cedric briefly once before.
"Frederick Gideon Weasley! leave that poor girl alone!" Molly scolded.

Molly and Arthur had gone to bed when we decided we were going to go outside. Fred, George, and I walked over to where Bill, Charlie, Ron, Hermionie, and Harry were sitting.

"We should play truth or dare" George suggested. Everyone agreed. We always played stupid games when everyone was here. We would always make the person who chose truth drink some veritaserum just so they wouldn't lie.

"Amber truth or dare? asked George. "Uhh truth" I said taking the tiny bottle of veritaserum from him.
"Have you and Diggory shagged yet?" asked George.
"Yeah" I blurted out. I should have picked dare.
"Okay follow up question, where?" Fred asked. Before I could say no I blurted out, "Prefects bathroom, and the shower in his dorm room" why did I pick truth.
"I didn't want to know that!"Harry said fake gagging.
"I didn't want you to know that!I said. "No more follow up questions!" I said slightly smacking Fred's arm. Everyone was laughing.

The game went on for a little while, Fred had to streak across the whole garden. Ron and Hermionie kissed. Charlie had to let Harry levitate him at least 20 feet in the air. Ginny and Harry kissed. George and Bill had a fight with the beaters bats.

We all walked tiredly Inside and to where we would be sleeping. I climbed into the makeshift bed on the floor molly had made and slowly drifted off to sleep.

authors note:

hiii, i probably won't update tomorrow because i have school for like 6 hours so, yeah i'm sorry about that. anyways i hope you had a good day :)




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