Diagon alley

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Amber's POV:

It was a couple of weeks before we would be going back to hogwarts. 6th year crept up on me. I had always thought it would be forever before I would have to leave hogwarts, now I have two years left. Remus had been the defense against the dark arts professor ever sense I had started school.

I had gotten a letter from Dumbledore telling me that I would be a prefect for hufflepuff along with Cedric. The school prefects would have their own dorm rooms and they have a bathroom on the fifth floor corridor.

We made our way through diagon alley with the Weasleys. Fred, George, and I went off to get our things together, since we are in the same year. While we were getting quills George turned to me and asked "So you and Diggory huh?" Fred looked over and smirked "They're obviously in love with eachother" "I- what, no we're just friends" I said looking down hoping they didn't see my red face. "Liar" said Fred and George in unison.

I ignored the twins and we went on with getting out school supplies. We went to go find our families, when I saw Cedric waving at us.

Cedric's POV: 

I had saw Amber with Fred and George, walking with their hands full of school supplies. I waved and smiled at them, hoping that Amber would come over.

She made her way over to me with Fred and George by her side. I pulled her into a hug, she smells like lavender and peppermint. I pulled away and smiled at her, she smiled back her perfect smile.

"Are you getting school supplies too?" I asked, feeling stupid after asking that because what else would she me doing with books that are obviously for classes and quills.
"Yeah" she said quietly while looking up at me.

Her gaze felt so warm and comforting. We only looked away when someone called her name. "Amber!" it was Harry. He was with the rest of his family and the Weasley's. I said goodbye to everyone and promised Amber that I would see her on the train. 

I got all of my school supplies and went back home. My mother was the only person that I talked about Amber to. She was the only person who knew how I actually felt about her.

Amber's POV:

We arrived at home, I started to help James make dinner.  Everyone else was in the living room, while Sirius, Remus, and Lily were telling stories about stupid thing James and Sirius did when they were at hogwarts.

When dinner was ready everyone got their food and we all sat down at the table and started eating.  Halfway through eating Harry said "Amber, you like Cedric right?" I slightly choked on my food, not knowing what to say. "Ugh, we're friends" I said while feeling everyone's eyes on me.
"That's not what I meant and you know it" Harry said while nudging my arm.
"Why do you care" I asked quietly. Harry was about to answer when Lily scolded him.
"Harry leave the poor girl alone."

We all helped clean up after dinner. It was just Lily and I cleaning off the table when she asked "So you do like Cedric, it's okay if you don't want to admit it, I didn't admit that I liked James until years after I knew." I looked over at Lily and saw her smiling at me "Yeah, I like him a lot, but I don't think he likes me." I said looking down. "You won't know unless you tell him" She advised.

Later that night we were all sat around the living room doing different things, Harry, James, and Sirius were engaged in a very intense conversation about which prank they pulled was the best, with Harry as the judge. Remus and Lily were playing a game of wizards chess, while I was reading a muggle book called "The Fault In Our Stars". Lily had sent me the book last year while I was at hogwarts.

I went to bed early while everyone else was still doing everything. I stayed up thinking about everything

should i have told lily?

she's like your mom

she's not my mom

she was supportive it's okay

what if it doesn't work out with him

you would've ruined everything

i know.

     I was torn away from my thoughts when Remus came into my room
"Is everything all right?" he asked with a look of empathy on his face.
"Yes, i'm alright" I replied.
"Your mother would be so proud of you" Remus said looking at me and smiling, I smiled back at him and hugged him and said quietly
"I wish she was here"
"I know, I do too."

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now