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Warning: sexual content

Amber's POV:

I woke in in Cedric's arms, the blankets spread around us. I admired the beautiful boy holding me. I ran my fingers down the side of his cheek, tracing his features. He shuffled slightly next to me, groaning.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast, do you want anything?" I whispered softly, running my hands through his hair.
"You" He whispered, pulling me closer.
"I'll make you pancakes" I laughed, moving from the bed and kissing him on the forehead.

I had found the pots and pans in one of the cabinets. I grabbed the pancake mix from the cupboard. I mixed the batter together, waiting for the pan to head up.

I flipped the pancakes tying not to mess them up. Cedric had come downstairs and hugged me from behind, and kissed my neck.
"The pancakes are ready" I smiled. Cedric smiled down at me and grabbed two plates.

Cedric had sat me on the counter, standing in between my legs. He had grabbed my fork from me and fed my pancakes to me. I did the same to him, slightly giggling when I missed his mouth.

Cedric had washed my plate for me. He looked beautiful in the sun. His sweatpants hung low on his hips, his skin glowing, his hair glowing.

He had come and stood in between my legs again, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I kissed him softly, feeling his warm lips intertwine with mine. Cedric had moved his hands under his shirt that I was wearing. Feeling the cold counter against my skin. I had gone to bed without anything on under my shirt.

He had started kissing me more roughly, his grip on my waist getting tighter. Cedric had stripped the shirt from my body, leaving my upper body exposed to him. His hands massaged my breasts, while he kissed and sucked on my neck.

Cedric had gotten down on his knees, looking up at me with his hands on the waistband of my underwear.
I nodded, lifting my hips slightly while he pulled my underwear off of me.

He brought his tongue to my heat, slowly running it up and down me. He sucked on my clit. I bucked my hips forward, lacing my fingers through his hair. He brought his fingers to my entrance, slowly teasing me. I let out soft moans while arching my back. Cedric slipped his fingers inside of me, continuing sucking my clit. He had sped up his pace, moving his fingers in and out of me quickly.

I felt the coil in me grow tighter in my lower stomach, my breathing got heavy. My orgasm sent waves though my body. The heat in my chest, my legs shaking, my hands slightly pulling Cedric's hair. I felt him smile against me.

Cedric had removed his fingers from me, bringing them to his mouth. He had sucked my juices off of his fingers, looking straight into my eyes. that was so fucking hot.

I had slid myself off of the counter, and lowered myself to my knees. I looked up at Cedric, moving my hands to the waistband of his pants. He nodded, groaning as I slightly palmed him though his pants.

I pulled his pants down slowly, coming face to face with the bulge in his boxers. I slowly palmed him, feeling him rock hard underneath my hand. I pulled his boxers down, his cock springing up.

I stroked him slowly, swiping my thumb across his tip. I wrapped my mouth around him, slowly moving my head back and forth. Cedric had twitched in my mouth a couple times. I picked up my pace, he moaned loudly. He had laced his fingers through my hair, guiding my head faster on him. Hot liquid shot into my mouth, Cedric groaned, pulling on my hair slightly. I removed my mouth from him, kicking off all of the cum from him.

Cedric lifted me up to my feet, pulling me close. He immediately kissed me roughly. His hands had reached down to my ass, grabbing and squeezing it. My hands reached to his hair, softly tugging.

"Jump." He softly grunted. I did as he said, wrapping my legs around his waist. Cedric walked over to the closest wall, pushing my back against it.
"Are you sure?" He asked, kissing along my jaw.
"Yes." I moaned.

Cedric slipped himself inside of me, slowly moving in and out of me. Both of us breathing heavily, sweat coating our skin. Cedric pounded into me, holding me tightly. I could feel him twitch inside of me, signaling that he was close.

The coil in my stomach had reappeared, tightening with each stroke.
"I-I'm gonna cum." I panted.
"Wait." Cedric grunted.
"Now." Cedric moaned, I felt the pleasure roll through me, loud moans erupting from both of us. Cedric's liquid dripping down from both of our legs.

Cedric kissed me again before lowering me down to my feet. My legs still shaking, I fell to the floor. Cedric and I started laughing.
"Can you help me up please?" I asked still laughing. Cedric lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me up the stairs.

Cedric walked into the bathroom, and started the shower. He set me down slowly, holding on to my waist to keep me steady. He moved us under the water, gently washing our legs off.

i love him.

he's mine.

and i'm his.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now