The egg

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Cedric's POV:

I woke up early in the morning to Amber's soft snores filling the room. I stood up from my makeshift bed on the floor. I went into my bathroom and started the shower.

I stepped into the shower letting the warm water run over. I was lost in thought until I stepped back under the warm water cleaning myself off with a bar of soap.

I stepped out of the steamy bathroom seeing the beautiful sight of the girl I was in love with was sleeping in my bed. I looked over and realized I had forgotten to grab clean clothes.

Amber was still sleeping soundly in my bed. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Even while she slept she looked perfect. I walked over to my closet to grab some clothes when I heard "Good morning Ced."
"Good morning darling" I replied looking back at her.

Her hair glowed in the sunlight. Her eyes looking a bright green. she's absolutely perfect.

Amber's POV:

I woke up to Cedric standing infront of his closet in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

stop looking at him like that

his hair looks so good when it's wet

he doesn't like you

there might be a chance

no there's not

but what about last night

what? Adrian? he punched him because he was being your friend

he beat the shit out of him

he would do that for any of his friends.

After Ced had came back into his room. I went over to my dorm to change. I put on one of my baggy t-shirts tucked into a pair of mom jeans. I put on some light makeup and fixed my hair.

Cedric walked me to breakfast as usual. Leah wasn't at breakfast yet. Cedric and I were the only ones at the hufflepuff table.
"Do you have any ideas on the egg" I asked, "Maybe, I don't know yet" Cedric said in between eating bites of his food.

Cedric and I walked back into the common room, we both sat down in front of the fire. It had gotten colder at hogwarts. The fall winds getting more intense, making the corridors extremely cold.
"What if you have to open it in something hot?" I said out of nowhere.
"What?" Cedric asked, looking very confused. "The egg, what if you have to open it while it's hot, cause dragons, I guess, I don't know" I said feeling silly now that I said it out loud.

"No no, that makes sense" Cedric said staring into the fire. He had gotten up and after a few minutes he had came back with his egg. Cedric unscrewed the top, the screeching noise was louder than ever when he threw it into the burning fire. Cedric quickly took it out and screwed it back on.
"That definitely was not right" I said, trying to get the ringing in my ears to fade.

"What if it needs to be cold?" Cedric had whispered faintly to himself.
"You could put it in cold water" I suggested. Cedric and I waked into his dorm, and straight into his bathroom. He had turned the skink water on cold and out the egg under it. Cedric unscrewed the egg. It wasn't screeching as loud this time. I could hear a faint singing coming from the egg.
"Do you have to put it under water" I said to myself extremely confused.
"I think so" Cedric said starting blankly at the egg.

I suggested that we go to the prefects bathroom to open the egg in. Cedric walked in holding the door open for me after.
"Such a gentleman" I laughed. Cedric blushed slightly. I turned the water on waiting for it to fill up the enormous bathtub. Cedric submerged the egg into the water. I could hear a faint singing but it was muffled. Cedric had dipped his whole head under the water.

I was about to pull him back up after a minute but before I had to he came back up.
"I have to hold my breath for an hour, underwater, in the black lake" Cedric said trying to catch his breath.
"I-what, why, how?" I said not understanding. "There's merpeople in the black lake, there will be a treasure at the bottom of the lake, I only have an hour to get it" Cedric said sounding shocked and slightly worried.

I scooted over next to Cedric and hugged him when I thought of something. bubble head charm.
"Ced you could use a bubble head charm" I said pulling away from him.
"How is it that you always have a solution to all my problems" Cedric had said before kissing my cheek and helping me stand up.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now