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Cedric's POV;

I was sitting on the couch in the common room, wondering why I put my name into the stupid goblet. The look on Amber's face broke my heart. I wish I could take it all back. I never thought I would actually get chosen. I want to make her proud. I'm doing this for her.

I heard the common room door open but didn't bother to look up, until I heard the one person I wanted to see.
"Ced..." she voiced quietly while sitting next to me.
"I'm scared Amber" I admitted,
"It's okay to be scared" she replied in her soft voice. I felt her grab my hand. Her touch was so warm and comforting.

We walked to our dorms after sharing a chocolate bar. It actually did help, I don't know how but it did. Still holding hands. Professor Lupin was right about the chocolate.

"What would I do without you." I said softly. Amber giggled a bit before saying,
"You'd be okay" 
No I wouldn't, you make me better." I said, looking at our intertwined hands.

Amber's POV:

Cedric and I walked to breakfast together as usual. I sat in between Leah and Cedric like I always did.
"So Cedric, how are you feeling about the tournament?" Leah asked,
"Oh uh good I guess" Cedric said.

that's not what he told me.

We finished our breakfast, Leah and I walked to herbology.
"Did you ask Cedric about me yet?" Asked Leah,
"Uh not yet, i'm sorry" I said,
"I think i'm going to ask him to go to hogsmeade this weekend" Leah said confidently. I laughed slightly
"That's a good idea"

I made my way to potions, happy to be with Cedric again. I walked into Snapes classroom, and Cedric wasn't there yet. Class had started and he still wasn't there, we were taking notes on felix felicis, or liquid luck. Halfway through the class Cedric walked in and apologized for being late.

Cedric and I walked to lunch, he made his way to sit at the hufflepuff table. I promised the twins I would eat with them today. The mail got delivered and Lily had responded to my letter.

Dear Amber,

     Talk to him about the amortentia! I hope you are well. How are your classes going? We got some new books at the bookshop that I thought you would like so I will sent them in another package.

Love, Lily

     I had completely forgotten about the amortentia, I was so caught up with the tournament. I went back to my dorm to write Lily back.

Dear Lily,

     Cedric got chosen to be in the triwizard tournament. I had forgotten about the amortentia until I got your letter, Thank you for the books. My classes are going well. I hope you, James, and Sirius are well. Send my love to them as well.

Love, Amber

Lunch had ended and I started walking to my next class. I saw Cedric running down the corridor looking frightened. He pulled me into a broom closet, "Dragons. It's the first task." he said breathlessly. "I- wait, what" I asked frantically. "I have to battle a dragon. Krum told me" Cedric said emotionless, I stood there frozen, not realizing how close we were. "I- uh w-we could read about dragons i-in the library" I said stuttering. "Will you help me. Please" Cedric asked. "Yes, of course, when?" I replied. "Now?"

We skipped the rest of our classes to study about dragons in the library. I had suddenly remembered that Leah asked me to talk to Cedric. "What do you think about Leah?" I asked trying not to be suspicious. "Leah? Oh well she's nice, why?" he replied. "Just asking" I smiled.

The Library had closed so Cedric and I decided we should go to dinner. We entered the great hall, walked to the hufflepuff table and sat down. Leah turned to me ask whispered "Did you ask yet?" "Yes, he said you're nice" I replied. She looked a little disappointed.

i feel bad

why he just said she's nice

but she's obviously disappointed by that

why do you care, you want him

she's my friend, i want her to be happy.

Leah and I walked into the common room, she had started talking to Cedric while I tried to ignore it and read. But I could still hear the little giggles from both of them that made my heart hurt.

he's not yours

i want him to be

you'll ruin everything with leah

i want to be happy with him

he likes leah

leah likes him.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now