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Amber's POV:

I woke up from the night before with a puffy face and red eyes. I still wish it was a dream.

why didn't they tell me earlier

what if mom asked them not to

that's crazy why would she care

she cared about my future

i wish she was here.

I washed my face, put on some clean clothes and made my way downstairs. Remus was sitting at the table looking full of regret. He stood up from his seat and just stood there. I walked over to him and gave him a hug,
"I'm sorry for not listening last night" I whispered trying not to cry again. Remus just hugged me tighter

Remus explained everything again, I felt much less overwhelmed about everything. We were going to be heading back to hogwarts today, I grabbed my trunk and dragged it down the staircase. We are all back at kings cross again setting our trunks down and saying goodbye once more. Harry, Remus, and I walked on the train and found our compartments.

I walked into the compartment that had Fred, George, and Cedric waiting for me. "Do you know now" George asked starting intently at me,
"How did you even know?" I asked, confused on how he found out so fast, "Harry wrote Ron, and then Ron told everyone" Fred explained.
"Oh, well yes I do know".
"What are we talking about I'm very confused" Cedric asked, looking at all of us.
"Snape's my father" I said looking down at my hands. Cedric stared dumbfounded at me.

I explained the whole thing from last night to Cedric. The train had gotten into hogsmeade station. We got into the carriage and set on the short way to hogwarts.

I started unpacking as soon as I got to my dorm. I layed don't on my bed starting up at the ceiling, wondering what classes would be like. Potions would definitely be more awkward.

I went to dinner as normal but avoided contact with the professors table. Classes would start again tomorrow, I walked with Cedric back to the common room as usual.

I woke up earlier than I usually did. I got out of bed, walking over to my bathroom and starting the shower. I stepped in feeling the water wet my hair. I finished my shower and stepped out onto the cold tile floor.

I put on my uniform and dried my hair. I put on some mascara and slipped on my shoes. Cedric was in the common room sitting in front of the fire. We walked into the great hall and walked over to the hufflepuff table.

Leah was sitting at the ravenclaw table with Alex. i still haven't told her. I pushed that thought out of my head and started to eat my food.

Leah was talking about Alex the whole time we were walking to herbology. Herbology was uneventful. Sprout had us take notes on different types of plants and how to care for them.

Potions. The one class I was dreading most. I walked down to the dungeons feeling extremely nervous. I entered the classroom hoping cedric would be there already. He wasn't. I took my seat in the middle of the classroom and pulled out my book to look at the directions for the potion we were reviewing today.

Cedric walked in almost being late. Class went by slowly.
"Mrs.Lupin will you please stay after class?" Snape said in his low, monotone voice. shit.

"What do you want to talk to me about professor?" I asked him.
"Are you okay, you seemed.. upset the other night" Snape said blankly.
"No, I'm not okay." I said getting slightly angry.
"Would you like to talk about it" Snape said unsurely,
"I'm sorry professor but I really don't feel comfortable talking about it with you", "Fine. You may leave." Snape said seeming annoyed.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now