Stress relief pt.2*

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Warning: sexual content

Amber's POV:

Cedric had turned the vibrator off. He lifted my chin with his finger, making me meet his gaze. "Are you ready darling?" He smirked. I nodded slowly, before pulling him close to me and kissing him. He kissed down my neck slowly, moving to my chest and stomach after. He kissed the inside of my thighs, gently pulling my underwear down.
"This will turn off when you want to stop okay darling" Cedric said as he pressed the vibrator against my clit.

He had turned the vibrator on. I moaned, loving the feeling of how it felt. It was pulsing on me, my legs twitched a bit. Cedric brought his fingers to my entrance, slowly moving them up and down. I bit my lip, trying to contain my moans.
"Moan. I want to hear it, don't hide it." Cedric whispered in my ear.

His fingers slipped inside of me, making me moan softly. Cedric's fingers moved in and out of me slowly. I bucked my hips forward, signaling that I wanted him to go faster. He didn't. He kept his pace while he turned up the vibrator.

Cedric moved his fingers in and out of me at a slightly faster pace, I had begun whimpering. I felt pathetic, but I was so turned on that I didn't care that much.
"Please." I said softly.
"Please, what?" Cedric asked, the smirk evident on his face.
"Faster, please." I whispered.
"Only for you darling." Cedric had kissed my forehead. He had picked up his pace significantly. I could feel the knot in my stomach grow tighter.
"I-I'm gonna cum" I panted. Cedric removed his fingers from me and turned the vibrator off.

"Lay down." I lied back on the table, feeling the cold surface on my skin. Cedric kneeled down in between my legs. He turned the vibrator back on. I felt a shock roll through my body. My clit was much more sensitive than it was before. Cedric brought his mouth to me. Him sucking slightly on my folds. His tongue licking up and down. My moans were louder than before. My hands balling into fists. The knot in my stomach was tight again. I was just about to cum when Cedric turned the vibrator off again.

"Once more darling, then you can come." Cedric said.
"Lay on your stomach." He said softly. I rolled over onto my stomach. Cedric turned the vibrator on once again. it hurts. i like it. He slowly inserted his cock into me. Suddenly feeling very breathless, I moaned. Cedric was pounding into me harshly. He had grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the table. He was making the table move slightly with each thrust.
"I-I'm gonna cum." I told him breathlessly.

"Hold it for just a little darling." Cedric grunted.
"Now." He groaned. His liquid shot into me. My orgasm felt like a truck had hit me. The pain I felt was indescribable. this is too much. The vibrator had turned off completely, it had fell to the floor. Cedric noticed, he immediately exited me and pulled me into his lap.
"I'm so sorry darling that was too much." He apologized. I hadn't even noticed the tears running down my face until Cedric wiped them off.

"Come on I'll run you a bath." He said sweetly. Cedric gently picked me up bridal style. He walked up the stairs, still apologizing.
"Ced it's okay I know you didn't mean for it to hurt me." I said as he sat me down on the edge of the bath.
"But it did hurt you, and it's my fault." He argued.
"I really don't know about you but that was the most mind blowing orgasm I have ever had. Even if it hurt." I said trying to make him feel better.
"It looked like it was mind blowing." He said quietly.
"But it still hurt you." he added.

"Cedric, it hurt for like 2 minutes after, i'm okay now." I told him before kissing him.
"I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted to make you feel good." He said still not looking at me.
"It felt amazing." I said, kissing him softly.
"I love you." I said still looking at him.
"I love you darling." He smiled.

He helped me into the bath. Cedric sat behind me, with me sitting in between his legs. My back was against his chest. He drew shapes on my chest with bubbles. He had helped me clean off the liquids that were on my thighs.

We went to bed that night holding each other as we usually did. i can't wait to marry this man.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now