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Amber's POV:

Cedric and I walked down to the great hall for dinner stealing kisses from each other. We stopped along the way when Cedric would push me against a wall and start kissing me more.

he loves me

he told me he loves me

i love him.

We entered the great hall and walked over to the hufflepuff table. The end of year exams were drawing closer and closer. Fred and George came over to Cedric and I and sat down.
"Amber what's on your neck" George laughed.

the hickeys

oh no.

"What- nothing" I said trying to cover my neck with my hair.
"It doesn't look like nothing" Fred said moving my hair away from my neck to get a good look at what Cedric had done. "Shut up" I said looking down at my plate, as my cheeks burned red.

Cedric had put his and on my thigh. He was moving his hand higher and moving closer to my inner thigh. He's so distracting sometimes.

Fred, George, and I agreed that we would study for our classes that we had together. Cedric and I would study for potions together. Leah and I would study for herbology together.

We walked into the common room and started studying for potions. Cedric kept his hand around my waist while he read over the potion he was going to do.

I was going to brew the draught of living death for my potion. Cedric was going to brew amortentia. I would rather be sleeping right now. Cedric had to convince me to study with him today.

I was reading over the directions of the potion I was going to do and taking notes when Cedric leaned his head on my shoulder and said, "We can study more tomorrow darling".
"Finally" I whispered slightly giggling.

Cedric and I walked into my dorm and put our bags down. I realized that I needed to wash my hair.
"I'm gonna go take a shower" I said taking my tie off. Cedric scoffed and said, "Without me?"
"Yes" I said walking into my bathroom.

I turned the shower on and started to undress myself. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water wet my hair. I heard the door open and Cedric say,
"I'm coming in darling". I could practically see the smirk on his face after he came in.

Cedric walked into the shower and stepped towards me. He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck.
"Can I wash your hair love?" I asked looking up at him.
"Sure why not" He blushed.

I put some of my lavender shampoo into my hand and rubbed it into Cedric's hair. "Ahh head massage" Cedric laughed while I massaged his scalp with my hands. "You're gonna smell like me now" I giggled.
"Good, you always smell amazing." He said while kissing me.

Cedric put his hair under the water to wash out the shampoo in his hair.
"Okay my turn" He smiled at me.
"What about conditioner" I teased. I put some of the silky conditioner into my hand and rubbed it into his hair.

"Now can I wash your hair?" Cedric asked.
"Yes, now you can" I said looking at his perfect smile. He took the bottle of shampoo from off of the shelf and put some into his large hand.

He rubbed his hands together and started to massage my scalp. Cedric ran his hands through my hair, while looking down at me and smiling.
"You're beautiful." I leaned up to him and gave him a soft kiss.

I washed the shampoo out of my hair. "You can wash the conditioner out of your hair now." I told him. He dipped his head under the water again and ran his fingers through his hair.

Cedric ran the conditioner through the ends of my hair and clipped it up for me. Cedric had grabbed my minty body wash and rubbed it on my back. I too the bottle from him and spread it over his chest and abs.
"May I?" He asked grabbing the soap, making sure I was comfortable with it.
"Yes." I smiled

Cedric ran his hands over my body while I did the same to him. We were covered in soap but we didn't want to let go. Being with him made everything perfect.

Cedric and I finished washing the soap off of us. I stepped out and grabbed my towel. I got one out of my cabinet for Cedric to use.
"Thank you" Cedric said as I handed him the soft fluffy towel.

I grabbed Cedric a pair of his sweatpants he had left in my room and his hoodie. "You wear it, it looks better on you" Cedric said handing me back his hoodie. I got my clothes on and stepped into my room and saw Cedric sitting on my bed shirtless.

I walked over and sat on the other side of my bed, getting under the covers.
"Why are you so far?" Cedric laughed.
"I was going to go to sleep but I guess not" I said scooting closer toward him. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

I looked down at his and and started playing with his rings. One plain black one on his middle finger. The Diggory family crest on another. And a silver band on his thumb.
"Do you want one?" Cedric asked looking down at me.
"Yeah" I said quietly.

Cedric took the ring with his family crest off of his finger and put it on my ring finger on my left hand.
"Promise me you won't leave" Cedric whispered into my hair.
"I will never leave you Cedric" I said holding his hand.

"I love you darling"
"I love you"

he gave me a promise ring.

Yours- Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now