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Cedric's POV:

I had gotten home before Amber as I usually did. Something felt off, I couldn't figure it out. There was a knock at the door. I went over to see who it was. Leah. She was standing in front of the door about to say something. Before she could say anything I said,
"Go away"

She looked stunned. It wasn't in my nature to be rude, but I wasn't up for her and whatever she had planned.
"Wait, just hear me out, please?" She said, stopping me from closing the door.

I don't know why exactly but I let her in. She walked straight into the kitchen.
"Do you want to talk over tea?" She asked. For some reason I agreed to it. what is happening? I poured her some peppermint tea. I poured mine as well.

Just as I saw down there was a large bang near the back of the house.
"I'm going to check that." I said feeling extremely awkward. I stood up from my seat and walked towards the back of the house. There was nothing inside our outside so I walked back into the kitchen.

"Can we talk now?" Leah asked, looking down at her tea. I nodded slightly, sitting down. I took a drink of my tea. it smells like lavender and peppermint . why would it smell like lavender if it was peppermint tea?

"About what happened at the wedding, i'm sorry, I couldn't stop myse-" Leah was cut off by me kissing her. My hands traveled to her waist. i don't want to do this. i can't stop. no no no.

I couldn't stop. There was something wrong with me. I kissed down her neck and chest. I removed my shirt, still running my hands over Leah's body.

Her moans sounded like a goat choking. What is wrong with her. I wanted to stop. i can't do this to amber. i only want her.

I continued to kiss her.

Amber's POV:

The shop had done extremely well today. I had went and bought butterbeer for Cedric and I to share. I helped the twins with stocking the shelves, while the potions brewed in the back room of the store.

"Amber, fancy a drink maybe?" Asked Fred. I agreed sense I was in a good mood. I walked up the stairs to the twins flat. It was decorated in every color you could imagine. Fred and George wanted it to be like them. Extremely chaotic.

We joked and laughed with each other as we drank some tea.
"I better get home, I think Cedric's home already." I said. We bid our goodbyes as I headed through the fireplace.

Green flames surrounded me. It seems as soon they were there, they were gone. I stepped into the living room of our house. Something felt off.

"Ohhh, Cedric" someone's moaning my husbands name. Anxiety bubbled inside of me as I walked into the kitchen.

Cedric and Leah. He was pushing her up against the wall. They were both shirtless. There were hickeys trailed down her neck. Leah saw me and kissed Cedric like she was trying to eat his mouth.

I dropped the bottle of butterbeer I had been carrying. Cedric looked over at me. He dropped Leah so she fell to the floor. His pupils were extremely dialated, they even looked slightly purple. I could see him hard against the fabric of his trousers.

He tried to pull me into a kiss. I was too caught up in my thoughts to realize how close he had gotten to me. I stepped away from him and laughed in his face.

"You're really going to try and kiss me after I see you pressing up against her of all people!" I yelled.
"What?" He asked, looking over at Leah. "Cedric Diggory do not play dumb!" I said starting to cry.
"Darling, please listen to me-" Cedric pleaded. "No, don't "darling" me right now!" I said stepping into the fireplace.

I walked into the living room of my childhood home. James and Sirius were talking to Lily in the kitchen.
"Oh, Hello, we weren't expecting you- are you okay honey?" Sirius had seen me first. I had completely broken down now. I kneeled on the floor breaking out into uncontrollable tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" James said pulling me up into a hug. I hugged him tighter than I had before he asked that.
"C-Cedric, he was-" I replayed the memory in my head. I couldn't finish my sentence before I started crying harder again.

"Let's sit down, okay?" Sirius said, trying to help. I nodded into James' shoulder. I reluctantly let go of James and walked over to the couch. Lily sat next to me, rubbing my back gently.
"Do you want to tell us what happened" Lily asked.

"I came home and Cedric had Leah pushed up against a wall kissing her." I said emotionless. "What!" Sirius said, fuming with anger.
"He acted confused after I pointed it out to him" I felt the tears well in my eyes. I brought my knees to my chest and cried. Lily, James, and Sirius comforted me for a while until I decided I wanted to go to sleep.

I slept in Harry's room. Tears wetting the pillow. I didn't get any sleep that night. The only thing I saw when I closed my eyes was. Cedric and Leah pressed against each other.

he doesn't love me.

i was right.

he wanted Leah all along.

authors note:
i'm sorry. that's all. i'm just sorry.




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