Thursday, Feburary 18, 2021

114 4 10

  I suck, I'm a terrible person.
  I seem like such a asshole in everyone's eyes. Someone crazy.

  I don't mean to laugh when someone gets hurt or potentially die. I just don't know how to react.
  I just laugh at every bad situation. I don't mean it, I really dont. I even laugh when it's me who gets hurt. Emotionally or physically. No matter what it is.
  In the inside I feel such a different way then how I show it on my face.
  I hate myself for that. I don't know why I'm like this.

  My whole family thinks I'm a psycho and I'm not.
  I don't want to be seen like a bad person. I want people to think I'm nice and good.

  If only I could go back in time and fix every single thing I've done since birth. I probably wouldn't be like this.

  I deserve every bad thing happening to me. At this point, why even bother..

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