Sunday, February 25, 2024

14 1 0

I never realized how bad I am at socializing until now...

I came to the US a week ago and I am now staying with my father.

Today he decided to take me to the mall. I was really excited but when we got there the mall was empty. There weren't many people there and most of the stores have closed due to having little to no people shopping there.

It's so sad because I remember the malls here being full during the late 2000s and 2010s.

We were walking around and we found a Spencer's. My father wanted to check it out so I followed him. I was genuinely amazed, I have never stepped in a Spencer's until today.

I was so nervous for some reason. I felt so awkward looking at the stuff they were selling.

The people working there were so cool and nice too but when they came up to ask if we needed help with something I just looked at my father for back up. I really couldn't look them in the eye to answer them.

I ended up getting a Gengar and Gir beanie because my father insisted on choosing something to get in there.

When we went to pay for them, one of the employees looked at the Gir beanie and said that she had a Gir bag and ask if she can show it to me. I was surprised but I said yes.

She ran to get it and showed me. The only thing I said was "Omg It's so cute!"

I really liked it but I wasn't able to translate that in to words 😭

She was really nice too. I wish I could've acted differently at that time T~T

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