Friday, July 19, 2024

5 1 0


I just got out of work and I'm still in disbelief.

I was just minding my business, taking orders like usual and my manager walks up to me saying she wants to talk.

I couldn't imagine what she'd want to takj about since I didn't remember doing anything wrong. She asked me if on Wednesday I had accepted a hundred dollar bill from a customer.
I thought about for a second and remembered one of my coworkers put a bill in the register I was working at and exchange it for five twenty dollar bills. I didn't think much of it at the time since I focused on a customer around that time.

Turns out that mother fucker put a fake hundred bill in my register! She showed me the bill and it was so painfully obvious it was fake. I can't believe I didn't notice! It really didn't cross my mind to check back then since he's my coworker, why would I suspect him of doing anything like that.

Anyway, thanks to him I got in trouble! It wasn't even my fault technically. They saw the camera footage and I was clearly focused on something else while he was doing all that. The one who should get punished is him not me!

Well, my manager was a little merciful and just gave me a warning but if something like that ever happens again they'll deduct what ever is missing of my paycheck. I'd be devastating if that were to happen. (Actually I think they'll deduct the 100 missing on my paycheck next week... I'm not sure, I kinda zoned out for the last bit of the conversation. I was just so shocked and frustrated.)

No fucking wonder my coworker disappeared after he did that.
He said he was going on break and after he got back I'd go on my break. 30 minutes went by and he still didn't appear.
My shift manager noticed and looked for him. Apparently he just left without telling anyone.

That's so stupid. Why would anyone do that? What's the point of stealing money from your job? It doesn't benefit you at all and people will find out. It'll just be worse for you.

Oh, I also almost locked myself in the freezer trying to get pies. I was so scared since I knew nobody would come and get me if I ended up locked in there.

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