Sunday, Feburary 6, 2022

23 2 1

  The thing about all the girls my age is their obsession to pair up their friends or classmates with someone they know (who they think would make a good pairing).

  I've been in these situations A LOT. I always declined or just avoid the request and move on.

  Although I love the thought of being in a relationship with someone, I don't want to be paired up just like that. I like the build up and take my time.

  I also look for personality when I meet a person. I know that's something almost everyone says but it's true. The person's looks don't matter to me. I do have preferences but other than that I don't really care.

  Of course I won't know their whole personality based on just one conversation but first impression are everything. That's why I get tricked so easily haha.

  Poppy just texted me asking if she can get me a girlfriend. I kinda freaked out. It came out of no where. She said I can meet one of Jessica's friends.

  Of course it had to be one of her friends.
  I declined (obviously) but I told her I have no problem meeting them and be friends.

  She said that's fine and one of the friends are bi and the other was lesbian. I don't know why she told me that but whatever.

  I don't know when's the meet up. I'm assuming it's on Poppy's birthday but I'm not sure.

  Aaah 😖

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