Wednesday, December 8, 2021

20 2 1

  I did it. This crazy mf did it.

  I'm done with exams and I'm done with this year! I'm so glad I passed with a good grade.

All that hard work paid off 😌

  I raised all my grades and did great onthe exams. I passed all 14 subjects.
• History
• Physics
• Portuguese
• Music
• Biology
• English
• Chemistry
• Social and Civic Education
• Math
• Art
• Physical Education
• Literature
• Spanish
• Geography

  What a relief

  They going to add 2 more subjects next year: philosophy and informatic... I'm so lucky 😃
  Yesterday my teacher tries to copy one of my drawings

 I'm so lucky 😃  Yesterday my teacher tries to copy one of my drawings

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  I thought it was super funny.

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