Tuesday, October 11, 2022

20 2 1


Okay, so, let me start off by saying Jessica is still stuck to me like a piece of gum under a shoe.

This been an issue for almost 3 years now and I just stopped trying to get away from her. At this point I'm using her for connections.

Since last year she's been coping my work. I had been in this situation before so I know how to handle it.

We've been doing this like SO OFTEN, it's incredible how I can keep up with this.
I don't give her the right answers btw.
I sabotage her so she gets a lower grade then me.

Anyway it's almost the end of the year and the teachers have caught on and that's the reason I'm fucked.

Today my philosophy teacher returned work that my class has done last week.

The teacher walked up to Jessica and I, she said "I couldn't grade your work, some one copied some one and I don't know who it is"

I swear my heart DROPPED. I was so close to crying. I worked so hard on that shit just for her to not grade it!

I "helped" Jessica with the work but I purposely gave her brief shit so she would get a lower grade but it didn't work..

After class we both went to talked to her. When we went to the office we saw the teacher but right fucking next to her was, who I'm going to call, Lucy.

Lucy is one of the staff that works at my school who despises my mom so she takes it out on me.

Her nosey ass was there! Like, if a student is going to talk to their teacher that should be private. What she did shouldn't be allowed. Plus, this wasn't the first time she's done this. Last time I was talking to a teacher she was right there LAUGHING at me.
It was so humiliating but that's besides the point.

We sat down and I tried to explain the situation in a calm manner (which Jessica couldn't do). I tried to defend myself but just like always, they talked over me.

The teacher and Lucy kept yelling at us and talking over me. Jessica did not help at all, she just returned the same energy.

So then I just left that office achieving nothing. I could not explain myself. I could not get that shitty grade.

I felt so hopeless. I wanted to cry but I'm not one to burst down I tears and front of someone and my tears wasn't going to help the situation anyway.

Before I left Lucy told me that every teacher has complained over how my work and her work is similar.

I know that's true but the thing is would it really matter if she gets a lower grade then me?
THEY KNOW that I'm the one doing all the work. THEY KNOW I'm the one doing well in class.

So why are they punishing me? At the end of the day I'm the one who's working my ass off. They can obviously see that Jessica doesn't do shit.

Now my grade will go down.

I just want this year to be over.

Update: I just got out of school and just saw these two kids from the public school making out in public... Absolutely disgusting. 😟
What's even worse is that their friends were watching-

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