Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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The caziest thing just happened today and it just ruined my plans for the next couple months.

So, I've enrolled myself in school yesterday after finally acquiring the last few papers I needed.

They told me that they were going to update me around 3 weeks to let me know if the enrollment was successful.

The lady that was talking to me and taking copies of the papers I brought in told me that she highly doubts I would start going to school right now since there's only one months left of this school year.

Tell me why they just called me and told me I'm starting tomorrow 🫥
Excuse me??

How in the actual fuck am I starting school with just one month left? How would they even grade me with literally nothing? I would instantly fail.

What's worse is that I'm pretty sure prom already happened and that's something I really wanted to experience.

If I do start now then I won't be able to take the day shifts I wanted at work.
Up 'til now I was training so my schedule was kinda scattered.

My manager notified me since I'm still a minor I need a work permit to be able to work those day shifts after I finish training. Up to this moment I couldn't get it since I did not have a student ID (because I wasn't enrolled in any schools at that moment).

I was hoping they would call and say I am now registered in their system so I can finally get that ID and get the permit to finally work those day shifts but no.. They told me I'm starting school tomorrow which means I can't work in the morning!

I really did not want to work at such late hours. I wanted a good schedule set so during the summer I can keep it that way.

Honestly I'm gonna see what I can do because I refuse to start school at this very moment.

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