Wednesday, March 1 2023

16 2 2

I just had the craziest dream.. or nightmare.

I do dream a lot when I sleep but this dream is the type of dream I get rarely.

So, this all starts with me in a place that kinda looks like a fancy cafeteria with my cousin. We were just talking and walking around.

For some reason my nose was stuffed so I went to the bathroom and kept blowing my nose as hard as I could. I was in a rush since someone else wanted to come in.

Eventually a could and got out of there, the only bad thing is that I sounded raspy for a bit.

Sometime later, it was lunch time. I didn't realize until I looked over and there were people getting their trays.

My cousin and I didn't get lunch right away. We just kept walking in circles in that place.

While we were doing that I saw that they were selling chips and other snacks but had no one working in that area.

I suggested while we wait, we should get a tray of food.

We did but it was the most school lunch looking thing I've ever seen.
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a slice of whole wheat bread and beans.

Obviously the lunch looked awful so we just threw it in the bin.

I grabbed money from my wallet that was on the floor(?) to go and buy some spicy chips I saw but when I walked over, it was closed.

Confused, I looked over at the kitchen where we got our trays and they also closed.

When I was about to tell my cousin, there was a bunch of people sitting on the floor. My cousin appeared so I suggested we should go sit down aswell.

We sat down a started talking a bit when a random lady walked in with a very thick French accent. She looked young. With black hair tied to the side. She was wearing pretty formal clothing.

When she talked I couldn't understand a thing. I made a few glaces at my cousin to see if he understood something. Everytime, he looked at me confused.

Whenever I look at him and looked over at her, she would stare at me with an displeased expression.

At this moment I regretted throwing away that lunch.

I think she was teaching about grammar or something

Later on a small sound of a bell. Every one got up and left. When my cousin and I were about to leave; the woman walked over to me and said something.
I couldn't understand what she said at first but then her accent basically disappeared and I could now understand her.

She ask why don't come here anymore.

I was confused because I thought this was the first time being in this place.

Later she ask if something happened with my mother.

Apparently I came here for therapy.

I simply told her we live far away and it's hard to travel.

She cut me off before I could finish and said it's fine and hopes to see me next time.

My cousin was long gone after that small chat.

So I just left

When I was walking a random blonde girl with curly hair joined me. I didn't question it. We just talked as if we were friends for a long time.

While waking there were two grey cars that stopped by us and asked if we wanted going to a party.

We were silent but they kept insisting.

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