Friday, June 23, 2023

19 1 5

I haven't published anything for a looong while so I'm going to just rant about something that I was thinking about lately.

It bothers me so much when people ask if I'm going to go through HRT or surgeries at some point.

When someone asks this I just cringe internally.

I understand the curiosity and all that but it's just wierd to me, y'know?
Like, why is someone so interested on what I do with my body.

I'm fine saying what I want to do if I bring it up but someone asking me is just...

I'm still not sure if I wanna do any of these but I still have time to think about that. There's no need to rush.

I don't answer this because I feel like they'll invalidate my identity just because I'm not 100% sure I wanna go through these procedures.

I don't know if I just me or if other trans people feel this way but I have a feeling that a few might understand.

What wierds me out even more and just makes me feel so uncomfortable is when an adult asks me this.
I'm still not 18 and these types of questions just sends the wrong message..

This happend to me today because of an interview from so collage student.

I had an interview with them like 2 months ago about discrimination against rhe LGBTQ+ community in schools and he asked if he can interview me again.

I agreed since the first interview went well. The interview was like a continuation of the previous one.

This time it felt so... off? I don't know if it was that we were an a closed, kinda dark room (very different from the outdoorsy atmosphere from last time)

Asked me some pretty normal things but some didn't have to do with school. Later that horrendous question came up and I kinda just slightly flinched.

It sorta surprised me but I answered truthfully that I'm not sure yet and I'll see when I'm older.

Blah blah blah, the interview is done and we left it there.

After that I don't think I wanna do another interview with him anymore.

He didn't do anything wrong but I felt uncomfortable in that moment and I had a pretty bad day before hand so I'm just leaving it at that.

Today was just a mess and I have so much work to do. So many things in my mind, I'm gonna go insane!!

If you're trans please tell me if you've felt this way or something similar so I don't feel so lonely ;w;

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