Wednesday, February 16, 2022

34 4 4

My day is going horrible. I'm so close to tearing up.

I have a doctor's appointment today at 9:20am so I had to get up earlier than usual to get ready.
I mean, I already got up early because I take my sis to her daycare at 8:30am but that's besides the point.

When I got myself dressed I started helping my mom get my sister ready too. So basically I was running up and down the stairs.

My mother told me to find my sister's shoes so we can head out. She told me it's probably down stairs.
When I was about to step, that's when all went down hill.

Before I tell you what happened, let me tell you about my stairs. So, my house was made poorly. My uncle (my mom's brother) was the one who help make half of the house, which includes the stairs.
The steps are not big enough and there isn't enough space to stand on. You have to kind of turn your foot so you can stand on the step.

Since that's cleared up, I'll tell you what happened... I fell down the stairs.

I took a wrong step and I hurt myself. The stairs are wooden so you can imagine the pain.

I hit my back, my elbow, and my ass. Out of all that my butt checks were the ones that got hurt the most.

I got a big purple-blueish bruise on there. My back too but it doesn't hurt as much. My elbow just got a tiny scratch.

I was so shocked that I almost fainted.

It didn't help that I travel on motorcycle. Every bump we took was painful.

Anyways, my mother and I dropped my sister off at the daycare and we went to drink coffee.

I shouldn't be drinking coffee because it has milk in it but I didn't eat breakfast soo it was either that or I faint on the sidewalk.

I know you can order coffee with water but in my opinion it tastes horrible.

I might be lactose intolerant but I won't let that get in the way of me enjoying food.

While I was drinking coffee, my mother and I was just chatting- no. More like being my mom's therapist. 😃

After we were done we drove to the clinic for my appointment. The lady in the front desk informed us that the doctor will be arriving late so we had to wait a bit longer.

During the time we waited, my stomach was beginning to hurt. DANM YOU COFFEE!!

I walked to the bathroom and did my business.

You will not believe what happened. That was a horrible experience.

When I went to flush.. It didn't want to go down.

No matter what I tried IT DIDN'T GO DOWN.

I was panicking at this point. I didn't want to leave and just have my excrement just floating in there! So... I did something I never thought I had to do...
Never in my life I would have thought that this day will come.

I wrapped my hand with paper towels and put my hand in the toilet.

This mfucker... BROKE INTO 3 PEICES!!!


I was so fucking disgusting. Toilet water was everywhere.

I took more paper towels and put some hand soap on it. I opened the faucet and water splashed everywhere.

Apparently I wasn't supposed to open it all the way.

The water was all over the floor.

I ended up cleaning the whole bathroom with hand soap. Atleast it smelled good.

I washed my hands and arms 4 times and put on hand sanitizer twice.

I came out of the bathroom pretending nothing happened. Atleast my mother didn't question it.

After some time the doctor arrived and I was able to get my check up. The doctor was really nice.

We got out of there around 10:50am so I asked my mom if we can go to the barber shop and finally cut my hair. My mom promised after all.

My mother agreed after asking me if "I was sure".

We went over there and luckily we only had to wait 15 minutes until they can get started on my hair.

The men were very nice to me.

I was pretty nervous, especially when the barber used the razor.

The other barbers had to calm my mother down since she was crying.

After an hour, my hair was all chopped off. I wasn't really happy with the results, the haircut was nothing like what I thought but it's fine.
I finally got what I wanted for years.

I just have to wait until the hair grows out a bit to "stylize" it.

I thought the day would go better after the haircut but NOPE

I started having cramps out of nowhere and suddenly I got my period :[

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