Saturday, October 22, 2022

25 2 1

The way I crave praise to function is incredible.

Like, there are artists who don't like it when people say "you're so good at drawing, I can't even draw a stick figure/ circle"

But if someone were to say that to me I would be like "oh, thanks teehee" but in the inside I'm like "yeah, I'm better than you".

I know it's bad but like it just feels great y'know.

I love it when adults praise me for my work aswell. It gets me giggling and swinging my legs.

I dunno, I just can't take negative criticism. Well, it depends on how they say it to me.

If they say it nicely, I'd take it but feel slightly offended 😭 I don't know why I'm like this.

Someone literally dragged me today and I'm still ticked off about it.

Someone humanized some characters from a show and drew them pretty muscular. It was honestly some good art (the characters looked kinda hot ngl), I commented "jojo" because I thought it was funny.

But it seemed like someone else thought I was making fun of the art style so they said "well this jojo looks better than your drawings"

I was speechless. I usually ignore replys I don't like but I couldn't let that slide.

I replied back in a kinda passive aggressive manner "Sorry if you misinterpreted the comment but I wasn't making fun of the art. Didn't know jojo was an insult" or someone like that and ended it with a ":/".

Then I continued with "Plus I'm fully aware I'm not the best artist"

I spent a whole hour thinking about this. I felt so attacked 😭😭

I still didn't get a reply back but I think it's better if they don't reply at all

My actions apparently have consequences 😶

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