Thursday, July 8, 2021

38 1 0

  I kicked my brother off my mom's bed and he started crying. I regret nothing.

  That little shit thought he could get away with hitting my little sister.
  I hit him on the head, but not enough to actually hurt him. Like, I'm not a monster.

  He got mad and tried to hit me and I wasn't having it.

  I held his hands together to prevent him from hitting me, of course, he didn't stop.

  I told him to stop several times. This went for 10 minutes. He stopped to rest.
  I thought he gave up so I went on my phone when he hit my little sister again.

  I hit his head again, he began hitting me.

  I had enough of this so I kicked him off the bed.
  This all happened in my mom's room because I was babysitting my little sister while my mom was away.

  He fell and started crying. I didn't really care tbh 😶

   After 15 minutes he stopped crying got up and sat there quietly.

  I really don't like getting violent with my siblings but they really push me to my limit sometimes.

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