Chapter #67

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Wendy's POV

And there are probably many more things to compare but I can't think of anything else. But to sum it all up, their world is strange.


Honey's POV

It had already been an hour since we departed from the train station and we had another hour to go. Another hour of almost pure silence. It was almost deafening.

The reason being is because by this point, even the girls had stopped talking about whatever it was that they were talking about.

It was just silence and no one made a move to get rid of it. It was as if there was this unwritten rule that we should all just leave the silence as is.

I hated how silent it was, it felt as if there was no joy and just sadness. All we could do was think and sit here with our emotions almost on display.

There was nothing we could really do to block what we were truly feeling from the person sitting next to us or the people sitting across from us.

I know that if I really wanted to, I could get rid of the silence but what good would that do when everyone just wants to sit and think.

To think about what to do next, what to do when we get to Lucy's home, and what to do with those in our perspective groups want to destroy something within each other's group.

What is each of us going to do?

Haruhi's POV

During the first hour of the ride; Lucy, Erza, Wendy, and I were talking about random things.

Such as, what we liked to do, where we liked to go, places that we could visit when we arrived at Lucy's home, and then asking Lucy some questions about her guild.

After that conversation ended, everyone was left with silence. I felt almost sick just sitting there with no noise going on around me.

I let out a sigh before looking out of the window hoping to get some escape from the train cart that I was in. I couldn't wait to get off this train and see a whole different world.

This will definitely be a cultural experience for everyone in the Host Club and if anything happens while we're gone, we will have no way of getting a hold of our parents because there is no internet where we are going.

From what I can remember, Lucy and her friends communicate through crystals of some kind. It seems we will have to have one of those on us in case of an emergency. But will we be able to use the crystals?

Oh boy, this is going to be a very interesting trip. So much can go wrong. Wait, no, let me restate that, so much is going to go wrong.

So much is going to go very very wrong, I can already feel it.

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