Chapter #43

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Gray's POV

Natsu would have tomorrow which is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to get his feelings for Lucy in some sort of control but knowing him, he will just try to work it off somehow.


Honey's POV

Once Takashi left, I stayed in my room a little longer before I left to go have dinner with the rest of my family.

When I made it to the dining room, everyone was already there sitting at the table. I guess they were waiting for me to show up.

So I sat in my seat and dinner started but I didn't say anything which was fine. Now don't get me wrong, I love to talk during dinner but my younger brother just likes to judge everything I do.

Due to that, I have learned just to just speak to my parents when dessert comes around because my younger brother leaves; he doesn't like sweets.

About an hour of silence from me later, dessert comes out and my younger brother leaves the room. "How was your day?" I hear my mother ask me.

I look at her saying "Great!" My mother smiled at me as my father then asked, "Really? What did you do?"

"Well other than school activities, nothing really. Takashi and I finished our homework too while he was over. Plus we have been helping a friend." I told them

That is when my mother asked, "Helping a friend? With what?" I look at her and say "Hikaru and Kaoru. I was helping Hikaru with protecting his fiancee from a jealous guy."

"A jealous guy?" my mother says and so I continue on by saying "He is a friend of Hikaru's fiancee. They're all from a different place that doesn't have technology or internet so things there are different."

My father then looks at me as I look back my food and continue to eat my piece of cake. "Interesting. I've never heard of such a place."

Wendy's POV

Once we reached the train station, all of our bags were given to use and the driving bowed before getting back in the limo and leaving.

We all watched him leave and when the limo was no longer in sight, we all grabbed our bags and made our way towards the ticket areas.

Each of us took a different line when we made it to the ticket areas so we could go through quicker. Although, Erza and I were in the same line because I'm young so I have to have an adult with me to be able to travel.

When we all made it through the ticket lines, we got in the waiting train and found a place for all of use to sit. We were actually lucky enough to find a private room that wasn't taken.

So we put our things above us before sitting down and waiting for the train to move. It was a odd silence though because it seemed that no one knew what to say.

Well that was until Happy and Carla woke up; "Where are we?" I hear Happy ask as Carla walks over to my lap before sitting down on it.

I give her a smile saying "We're heading home." Happy then looks towards me and says "Really?" I look at him and nodded my head.

I then look out the window saying "I'm going to miss Lucy though. I know that we will see her soon but it feels like we just got here."

Erza then says "I agree, our trip was short but learned a great deal. It seems that we will have a lot to tell the others when we get back to FairyTail."


Note -

So I know that I was supposed to update yesterday but I lost track of time and got tired. But the chapter it done and here! Yay!

Anyways, question for you all that read my stories; do you think that my chapters are too short?

The question just popped into my head and now I really want to know because you all read them do I just wanted to know what you think.

Let me know in the comments!

Thanks, until next time,


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