Chapter #4

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Gray's POV

We were all shocked by her confession to us but Natsu looked more mad than shocked. I could see that he was also trying to hide it from everyone but Erza, Happy, Wendy, Carla and I could all see that he was mad.


Kaoru's POV

After Lucy told her friends that she was engaged to Hikaru, none of them spoke but the dude with the pink hair, I think his name is Natsu looked pissed off at the news.

Now I am not the type to get angry quick but this pissed me off. It must have to do with that fact that I know that Lucy and Hikaru love each other and here is this other guy who might try and break them up!

I am very protective when I need to be and this was definitely one of those moments. I am going to make sure nothing breaks apart Hikaru and Lucy, nothing and that is a promise that I am making to myself.

I'm making this promise not only so Lucy and Hikaru can be happy but also because this Natsu person is not going to take away one of the things that makes my brother happy.

So I glared at him a little before turning my head away from them, I swear I could be mistaken of Hikaru by acting like this but I know that even if I do, Haruhi will still be able to tell us too apart.

But anyways, back to what is going on at the moment. I look back towards the weird screen thing. That was when Loke took the screen away from Lucy and said "We have to go, we have things to do, and things to talk about with these people."

So before anyone could say anything else, Loke hung up the call and gave it back to Lucy saying "If they try to contact you again, just ignore it. We still have questions to answer."

I watch as Lucy nods her head before putting the rock back in her bag as the rest of us go back to sitting down across from them.

Loke's POV

Once they had all sat down, I said "Anything else you want to know?" I watched as Kyoya pushed up his glasses saying "Who were those people on the other end of that screen?"

"The one with the pink hair is Natsu, the other boy there was Gray, the women with the red hair is Erza, the girl with the blue hair is Wendy, the blue cat is Happy, and the white cat is Carla. They're our friends and apart of the same guild we are in." I say.

I watch as Kyoya write everything down in his notebook before saying "Do they have powers as well?" I nod my head as Lucy speaks, "Natsu uses Fire magic, Gray uses Ice make magic, Erza uses Requip magic, and Wendy uses Sky & Healing magic."

Kyoya then asked "I would like for you to answer a question from earlier." I instantly knew what question that he was taking about and so I said "That question isn't going to be answered so why don't you pick a different question to ask or don't ask one at all."

I think that Kyoya could tell that I was getting upset with this so he stopped asking questions all together. The room was quiet and it was making me a little uncomfortable.

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