Chapter #41

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Erza's POV

Natsu said "You and Hikaru."


Lucy's POV

I stayed silent as I took in his words, he was jealous of Hikaru and I? Why? I don't think that we did anything to make him jealous.

Gray must have noticed my confusion because he said, "He likes you but he was jealous of the fact that you were with Hikaru."

My eyes widened and then they returned to normal as I said to Natsu, "Thank you for telling me. I can understand where you're coming from; I know the feeling."

Natsu was now the one who was confused so I continued on by saying "Hikaru is in a club at school where he flirts with girls. He was in it before we go engaged so I didn't bother him about it much."

I took a breathe before saying "After we got engaged, I became jealous of his flirting. I didn't want him to talk to other girls that way so I would get mad at him and not talk to him for weeks on end."

I gave a sad smile as I looked out the window saying "Then after a month of not talking to him, I got a message from him in the mail. I read it and he knew why I was mad. He understood why. In his letter, he explained that he would never love another girl like he does me."

I look back at them all and say "His mother even wrote a little of the letter saying that she also understood and I had every right to be mad at him. But, I had no right to shut him out because that isn't good communication. So we both talked it out."

I then heard the door open so I looked over to see Hikaru and Kaoru standing in the doorway as I said "In the end, Hikaru and I found a common ground on the topic. He can still be a host as long as he promises that Kaoru does most of the flirting."

This is when Kaoru said "So that's why you don't flirt with the girls as much." I watch as Hikaru smiles saying "Anything to make her happy, I'll do it. I could understand as to why she was mad so I made it so she would no longer to be happy."

Hikaru's POV

Lucy then stood up from the couch and walked over to me; she then gave me a hug so I hugged her back. "Telling a story I see." I said to her.

She then pulled away from me saying "Yeah, Natsu just wanted to talk to me before he left." I nodded my head and looked at the group.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to grab them some water for the trip back." she said before leaving the room.

Now it was just Kaoru, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Natsu, and myself in the room. It was silent for a second before I said "Finally decided to tell her?"

Natsu said nothing as I continued on by saying "I get you might not want to talk to me and you don't have to listen to me since you're older but thank you for telling her. I don't like seeing her upset and know she would've been if you had continued the way you were going."

He still said nothing and I let out a sigh before Kaoru said "I agree, thank you. I think your friends will agree that getting that off your chest is better than holding it in and hurting other people for personal gain. You don't seem that way."

Natsu still said nothing as Gray said "He isn't. He's just not agreeing with you because he knows that he was wrong to act the way he was acting. He'll be over it in a couple days."

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