Chapter #2

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Hikaru's POV

Loke leans against the wall saying "But I wouldn't nor would anyone back at the guild hall. Magic is a normal part of your life. So the question is, how long do you plan on keeping it from them?"


Lucy's POV

I sigh at what Loke said and then turned around so that I was looking out the window saying "I don't want to keep it from them and you know that but I'm afraid."

"You're afraid that you'll get rejected by your fiancee and his friends." Loke says and so I turn to face him a sad smile saying "Yeah."

But then before Loke could speak again, I said "I know that Natsu and all of my other friends would never reject me for having magic or being different because we all are different and have magic. But to know that I can get rejected here for having something that I was born with."

Loke then walks over to me and pulls me into a hug saying "I understand Lucy but you do know that you won't be able to keep this quiet for long."

I felt some tears starting to come to my eyes as I said "Do you think that they will still want me here if they know about my magic?" Loke tightened his grip on me saying "If they don't, then we can head back to FairyTail."

I nod my head before pulling away from him saying "Thank you Loke." He nods his head but then he looks behind me saying "It seems you weren't able to keep your secret quiet for long."

That was when I turned around to see the club door cracked open and seven different heads peeking out through the door opening. My eyes widened in horror as I realized that they had heard and saw everything that just happened.

My mind went blank but then I felt Loke turn me around so that I was facing him. My eyes were wide with horror and he could see that I was scared.

He gave me a smile before pulling me into another hug saying "Just go and talk to them, explain everything and what you are. Although, I don't know what they will say, I do know that if they don't accept who you are, we can go back home."

I hold back my tears as I nod my head in agreement before saying "Will you stay with me while I talk to them?" Loke then pulls back from the hug and puts his hands in his pants pocket saying "Sure."

So I took in a deep breath before turning around saying "I guess I have some stuff to talk to you all about." They all stood up and open the door, Kyoya then pushed up his glasses saying "It seems that you do."

I then walked towards them and I heard Loke walking behind me as we enter the room with the host club closing the door behind us. I then sit on one of the couches and Loke sit besides me with the others sitting in front of me.

"Where do you live?" I heard Kyoya ask me with his notebook out, I looked at him saying "Magnolia Town in the Kingdom of Fiore." He then went on with many questions;

"How old are you?"  "17."

"Who are your parents?"   "Jude and Layla Heartfilia."

"What are you?"    "A Mage."

"What type of magic do you have?"   "I'm known as a Celestial Spirit Mage."

"What is that?"   "I can summon spirits and make contracts with them."

"Is that what Loke is?"    I nod my head saying, "Loke's real name is Leo, his key is Leo the Lion."

"Like the zodiacs?"      "Yes."

"What is that tattoo on your hand?"   "It's my guild mark."

"What is a guild mark?"    "It lets others know what guild I am in."

"What is a guild?"    "Its a group of wizards joining together with the same principals."

"What is the name of your guild?"    "FairyTail."

"Why did you join this guild?"     "Cause I wanted to, they saved me when I was a child."

"Are your parents alive?"     "My mother died when I was young but my father is alive."

"Do you live with your father?"    "No."

"Why not?" he ask me. That was when Loke cut in by saying "She won't be answering that question, move onto the next one." Loke knew I didn't like to answer a questions relating to why I left the mansion.

Kyoya looks at Loke saying "Why is she not allowed to answer?" Loke glared at him saying "You don't know her father, you don't know what our world is like or what she went through while she lived with him. So move on."

Kyoya sighed but before he could ask another question, another voice said "Why did you lie to me?"

I look to the ground saying "Hikaru, what would you have done if you found out the person you are to marry had magic? You all live in a world where magic is just a fairy tail, it isn't real here."

"Did you ever love me?" he asked. I tightened my fist at the question but then Loke said "She does love you, she talks about you to us all the time. She smiles when she brings you up or when your on the phone with each other. I haven't seen her like that before and its nice to see her so happy, she would never fake something like that."

"What is your job?" I heard Kyoya ask me, so I look up at him once more saying "I take jobs that are in the guild hall on the job board, my team and I go around helping people. In exchange we get money or sometimes if we're lucky, I get keys."

"Who is your team?" Kyoya asks, I give a light smile saying "I'm in Team Natsu. My teammates are Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy, and Carla. Happy and Carla are flying cats but we call them exceeds."

Then just as another question was about to be asked, my communication lacrima started to ring from my side bag that I had. So I open the bag and take it out to see Natsu looking at me with the rest of team Natsu behind him.

That was when I realized that they were in my apartment, my eye twitched as I said "Natsu." He smiled at me saying "Hi Luce!" I glare at him saying "Why are you in my apartment?!"

He keeps his smile as he says "I thought that you would be here but then I got told you went to visit some friends."

That was when I heard Erza say "Lucy, have you been crying?" My eyes widen before I quickly say "No! I haven't been crying." She looks straight into my eyes before saying "Your lying."

Then before I could say anything, Loke took the lacrima from me and said "She is dealing with something at the moment, can you call at a different time?"

I heard Natsu say "We are heading on a mission soon to get Luce a key so we called her now due to that." This caused me to take the lacrima back saying "Does it say what the key's name is?"

"No it doesn't." I heard Gray say but that was when I said "Gray, where are your clothes?!" I saw him look down before saying "What the?!" Erza then turned around saying "Your pants are on the table."

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