Chapter #5

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Loke's POV

I think that Kyoya could tell that I was getting upset with this so he stopped asking questions all together. The room was quiet and it was making me a little uncomfortable.


Kyoya's POV

After Loke said that, I stopped asking questions. I am going to find a way to get that answer one way or another but for now, I will leave it be. 

Then Lucy stood up saying "Excuse me." She then left the room leaving Loke behind just glaring at us before he said "You guys are treating her like shit."

Tamaki was about to say something but Loke cut him off by saying "If you all had a huge secret like this and you hid it because people would think that you are a freak or insane, wouldn't you hide it too? I mean come on,"

Loke then looks at Hikaru saying "She loves you to death and you treat her as if she just killed someone in front of you! Why? Just because she was trying to hide something she thought would make you not love her anymore?! She would do anything for you. You don't understand how much she rambles on and on about you, about how much she loves you!"

Loke then stood up saying "I think you boys minus Haruhi since she is a girl, need to grow up and learned to see that she isn't going to hurt anyone or do anything. She just wants you to accept her for who she is no matter what she is or who she may be."

He then left the room and Haruhi stood and followed after him saying "He's right you guys. Sure, it was kinda of hard for me to believe that she has magic but she hasn't changed. She is still Lucy and we should accept her the way she is and no judge her for what she is."

She left the room as well and the room was once more silent for a few minutes before Honey said "I'm going to say sorry to Lu-chan, Lo-chan, and Haru-chan."

He then stood up with Mori standing up after him and they also left the room as well. Now it was just Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, and I left in the room.

Then one of the twins stood up and turned to the other twin, I know that the one who stood up was Kaoru because he said "Hikaru, you shouldn't be mad at her."

I saw Hikaru tighten his fist before saying "I know but to hide something like that from me." Kaoru then said "I can understand why she hid it."

Kaoru then said "Just think about it Hikaru." Hikaru then looked up at Kaoru as Kaoru said "If she told us that she had magic when we first met her, what do you think we would have done?"

Hikaru then said "Laughed at me and maybe even call her crazy." Kaoru nodded his head before saying "If we did that, you would have never got to know the wonderful girl that you are engaged to! You would have never fell in love with her!"

Hikaru looked at the ground saying "I can't imagine that, I don't want to." Kaoru then grabbed his hands and pulled him up saying "Then go talk to her, go tell her that."

Hikaru looked at him with eyes of understanding before letting go of Kaoru and running out of the room with Kaoru not too far behind him.

So I looked at Tamaki to see him smiling before he stood up saying "I understand why she did it and I also think that you shouldn't ask her that question you want the answer to. It's a private matter from what I can tell."

I stayed looking at him as he walked to the door saying "I have a feeling you might make her mad and from what I can see already, I don't think you would like to see her mad Kyoya."

Then just like that, he was gone. I was now alone in the room and so I looked in my notebook to see that one unanswered question before closing my notebook as I made my way to the door to follow after them saying "I may not get the answer to the question now but I will get it before she leaves."

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