Chapter #51

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Honey's POV

I then let out a yawn and started to close my eyes with one last thought in my mind; what is tomorrow going to bring?


Haruhi's POV

My dad was instantly in front of me after I said those words. He then pulled me into a hug and started swinging me around saying, "My Haruhi is in love!"

He was so happy and after spinning in circles for a good five minutes, he set me down on the floor in the living room.

The both of us sat on the floor and dad turned off the tv before giving me his full attention. "Who is he? Do I know him? Is it one of those Host club boys?" he asked.

But instead of answering his questions, I asked him the same one I did when I walked into the apartment; "What do I do?"

My face was full of wonder and my dad could also tell that I was nervous. So he put on his serious face but with a kind smile saying "Just tell him."

"What?" I said in shock. But then before my dad could say anything else, I said, "What if he doesn't like me back dad?"

My dad's face went from serious to understanding as he said, "Haruhi. There is no reason for any boy to not love you. Sure you might be different from other girls around the world but that doesn't make you any less attractive."

I was then a about to say something else but my dad continued on by saying, "And if this boy doesn't love you back then it will be alright. There are many others out there that will love you for who you are."

I then took in all of the information that he said and then nodded my head saying, "Alright. Thanks dad."

He nodded his head and said, "You're not going to tell me who it is, are you?" I nodded my head 'yes' and turned on the tv as my dad groaned in annoyance.

Happy's POV

"I agree with Gray." I said which made everyone look at me as I sat on the table.

"Luce looked really happy with Hikaru and his friends. Why should we try to stop her from being with someone she loves? Even if one day she does leave as Gray said. She is family and family stays together. We respect one another's feelings and choices." I told them.

I then smiled at them saying, "No matter the distance or life we live, family is family." Erza nodded her head saying, "I also agree."

Erza then said, "Friends come and go, they may not stay long but they're still your friends. Right? But with family. With family, nothing else matters but making sure to support what they want to do and wanting them to be happy. That's what makes us a guild and makes us a family. We respect one another and help each other. Our family is big and spread out but we're still a family even in long distances."


Note -

Hi everyone, I'm sorry if Happy's POV makes no sense. I tried to make it make sense but I'm better with writing words than typing them.

I understand what I was trying to say and if it is really hard to understand, I'll rewrite it so that it can make sense for everyone else. Just let me know in the comments if you want me to rewrite Happy's POV for this chapter.

Please, thanks, and until next time.


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