Chapter #26

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Happy's POV

Gray looked at the door and said "I think he understands but he is too scared to admit it to himself."


Hikaru's POV

After I said that, Kaoru looked at Tamaki and Haruhi before looking at me saying "What do you think happened?" I thought for a moment before saying "I think they connected."

Kaoru then raised an eyebrow saying "What?" I laugh a little before saying "A connection. You know. A feeling you get when you meet the one person you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with."

He then smiles at me saying "Well, I haven't felt that just yet." I smile back at him saying "Let me know when you do." He laughs a little before saying "I will."

Both of us then went back to moving the table and chairs until the bell rang for our next class. We have a total of three more classes before clubs and then school is out.

The school ending is the part that I'm looking forward to. I get to go home and cuddle with Lucy while watching a movie. That sounds so much better than school.

** Time skip - Classes are over **

Finally classes were over! Now it's time for clubs which are only two hours, I think that I can last. I mean, I just have to wait a whole two more hours before I get to see Lucy.

Also, I get to waste those two hours talking to girls who neither Kaoru or I are in love with. Now, I'm not going to ever say this to Tamaki, but some of these girls like to get too close.

By close I mean, they will get in your face with a hug smile as they talk to you. Some try to hug you without permission which for Honey is fine, but I like my personal space.

Anyways, enough with me saying what I get annoyed about with the girls. I have to focus on them and the time should go by quick enough so that I can get back to the mansion.

A half an hour later, all I can think about is Lucy. Which is great because I love her and also because somehow, I haven't once got distracted from the girls.

If that happened, Tamaki would have my head. After this group of girls left, Kaoru and I got a break so I let out sigh which makes Kaoru look at me.

"Are you okay?" I hear him ask. I look at him saying "I want to go see Lucy. Being here and talking to all of these girls makes me feel like I'm cheating on her."

Kaoru then gives me a slight smile before saying "I get it. You don't want her to be at you for what you do as a club activity. But Lucy is very understanding and if she had a problem with it before, she would have told you."

I nodded my head in agreement saying "You're right. But can the time go quicker? Please!"

Natsu's POV

Once I left the hotel room, I wondered around the city in complete anger. Don't get me wrong, I want Luce to be happy!

But I don't want her to be happy with Hikaru! I want her to be with me! And I know that it will never happen!

I then make it to the park that we were at the first day here so I sit under a tree before looking up at the sky in wonder.

I want Luce happy but with me which will most likely make her sad because she is leaving Hikaru. But is it truly wrong to want something or someone that you know that you can't have?

I know that it kind of is but that it kind of isn't. I guess it all depends on the situation.

Right now, I would say for this situation, it's bad. I'm willing to hurt Luce's feelings so that I can be happy. What kind of person am I to think that way?

I sigh before looking towards the ground saying "I've got to let her go."

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