Chapter #6

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Kyoya's POV

Then just like that, he was gone. I was now alone in the room and so I looked in my notebook to see that one unanswered question before closing my notebook as I made my way to the door to follow after them saying "I may not get the answer to the question now but I will get it before she leaves."


Natsu's POV

After Loke turned off the lacrima, I was frozen. I mean to know that Lucy is engaged to someone and she never told any of us, it made me mad and sad all at the same time.

I was sad because she didn't tell us about Hikaru and that she lied to us by saying that she as going to a friends instead she went to she him.

I was also mad because once again she didn't tell us and due to the fact that I love her. And knowing that she is with another man, it just pisses me off.

I then stood up from where I was sitting and made my way to Lucy's front door, I then hear someone coming after me but I don't stop walking.

I made my way down the stairs and out of the apartment with all of them following after me. But I don't stop moving,  I keep on making my way anywhere but Lucy's apartment.

I knew that they were still following me, I was so mad at her and that was when I stopped walking. I then turned around to see Erza, Wendy, Gray, Carla, and Happy.

"I'm going to go see her and talk to her in person about this." I say to them with an angered tone. I wasn't really in the mood at the moment and I knew that they could see that.

Erza then said "I don't think that you should do that Natsu, you don't seem to be in the right frame of mind right now." But I ignore what she is saying and start to make my way to the train station.

That was when I remember that I didn't know where she is and that just made me even more mad. So once got to the train station, I went over to the ticket booth person.

When it was my turn to talk to the ticket booth person, I said "I'm wondering if you can tell me where Lucy Heartfilia was heading to?" The ticket booth person then opened up a book and started to look through it.

After looking through the book, they looked at me and said "She took a train to Bunkyo, Japan. You would have to take train 11 and then get off at the 15th stop. From there, you get onto train 5 and then get off on the 10th stop."

I nod my head before saying "Can I have a ticket for train 11 then?" They nod there head before giving me the ticket after I give them the money.

From there, I run towards the train and get on but before the train gets to leave. Erza, Wendy, Gray, Carla, and Happy get onto the train as well.

They all take a seat in the same section as me just as the train starts to move. "When are we getting off?" I hear Wendy ask me. I look out of the window and say "Stop 15 and then we will get on train 5 and get off on stop 10."

She nods her and no one says anything to anyone. The travel was long but it was worth it just so I could see her, I needed to see her no matter what.

I needed to make sure that what is being said is the truth and not a lie. I mean for all we know they just told her t say that to us and she doesn't even love this Hikaru person.

I tighten my fist at the thought of her having to lie to us about her relationship with Hikaru. It just makes my blood boil in rage and it also makes me feel sick for some reason.

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