Chapter 8

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A/N; Oya Oya? Wazzup my fellow readers, followers and friends! How are you today? Anyway, this chapter is where you will survive from Eyeless Jack. So, please read this chapter with caution again because there will be a gore part. If you squeamish, please don't read this chapter. The picture isn't mine, credit to the owner.



The laptop suddenly shuts down by itself and I could hear his creepy laughter after the laptop was turned off. I could feel my back hair raised, knowing I'm screwed up. 'What I have myself gotten into? I don't think only one or two killers going to kill me, this is probably just the beginning. And I need to be smart to handle this before I get myself killed by the hands of these monsters. This is just beginning and I need to continue to survive this nightmare, but how? The monster going to be harder and I need to be extra careful' I think silently while looking at the ground with fear written all over my face.


??? POV:

My hand tugged my mask a little bit higher as my shark-like teeth chewing on the human kidney. I eat human kidney unlike others in this mansion since I cannot eat human food. I used to be a normal guy before 'her' after she sacrificed and plucked my eyes out from my eye socket with the other men help. After the sacrificial, I had a huge hunger for human kidneys. After another bite, my tongue licks my hand and clean afterwards since it's wet from the fresh blood on my hand and washed my hands to clean them. I might be a cannibal and eat a human's organ but I'm not as nasty as Jeff since I care about my hygiene.


I heard footsteps and grumbles from the living room so I turn my head around to see Ben Drowned who are cursing at himself. Usually who came back with a pissed face and slurs is Jeff. It's a rare sight to see Ben like this since he usually chills and from my judgement from his face, I guess that his victim escapes from him. Knowing him, probably he's going to play his game in his room again and then kill other players. Well, he does not exactly injure other players but he does drive them mad until the victim kills themselves. His killing method isn't as brutal as Jeff, Ticci Toby or L.J since he only drives them to suicide or electrocute them if the victim is too stubborn.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"You think?! My victim stabbed my arm! She's too smart," He took a can of soda from the fridge and gulping down the drink loudly.

"I guess it's my turn then," I said as my feet move to the medic bay to get my scalpel.

"Good luck. She's tricky. She escaped from Jeff and me," He muttered.

I tilt my head to the side and think 'Interesting....she escapes Jeff and Ben. She made two guys pissed off, I need to be careful around this girl then, she's able to piss two killers.' I'm not much of a killer, my victim usually die because they have kidney failure since I only took one of their kidneys and they died the next day. I sigh as another thought tracing me 'It's kinda pathetic if you ask me, why do you tire yourself if you only have one kidney? You're not supposed to be tired if you only have one kidney. It's common knowledge and that's why a lot of people regret selling one of their kidneys just to be rich, I guess some human just born to be stupid.' I only kill my victims if they wake up during the process and I will stab them in the chest before they could scream for help and gut them out quickly before I escape through the window.

I only take healthy kidneys for my meal before I took the victim's kidney before and I would research their health condition. I have taken some file of her health condition, she's fairly healthy and her kidney gotta be tasted delicious. However, there's something strange about her but I can't pinpoint what's with her at all. I just hope that she wouldn't be much of a hassle to be handle with. Unlike other pastas, I used braille to do my research since I don't have eyes but my hearing is the sharpest and my instinct is sharp since I'm half-demon. Plus, I can see when there are 'vibration' around me.

I put my scalpel inside my pocket and look at the others "I'm going." I said as I run to the city, jumping from one branch to another branch, moving without creating any sounds.

Third Person POV:

Lights were colouring the sight of the town but no one noticed the jumping figure as the figure jumped from the rooftop to another rooftop. He was silent and hiding in the dark as no one noticed the blue masked killer as the oblivious human either going out to have fun or coming home from their work. His gaze moved to the hospital window after it was turned off and he stays hidden in the dark. He could hear her moving to the stretcher and moving on the bed. The vibration made him see what's around her, she was getting ready to sleep after she has thrown her laptop away.

A smirk stretched across his lips as he got inside without making any sound. He can sense the girl was sleeping peacefully since she was tired from the Link wannabe. He was moving closer to her and carefully lift her blanket away, his finger traced on her smooth skin as his other hand grabbing the scalpel inside his pocket to take her kidney out. Before he could pierce her skin, he hissed in pain after his hand with the scalpel got kicked by her. His gaze turned to her face as her eyes glaring at him with flame dancing inside her gaze. She was pissed.

A growl escaped from his throat, cursing himself for thinking that she's asleep. "Why You!" The girl sat up carefully as her eyes suddenly turned red while glaring at the blue masked killer. He may be blind but with the vibration and the instinct, he realized the person standing in front of her isn't exactly just a dumb human. She's someone who can be dangerous, no wonder that she can escape Jeff The Killer and Ben Drowned. He raised his scalpel and sprang up to the girl but she was quick enough to roll away, kicked his unprotected side, pinned him to the medic bay, took his scalpel away, and stabbed the scalpel beside his neck just to threaten him.

"Leave.....or I'll hurt you twice..."She growled.

He growled and kicked the girl as he took the scalpel out and going for the chest area. Her hand quickly hold onto the scalpel as it bleeds because of the sharpness of the scalpel. The blood on her hand slowly moved and wrapped around his hands and then pierced his hand as it turned into thorns. He screamed in pain as he feels the blood pierced his hands.

"Let me repeat...Leave....or else....." The girl threatened.


The thorns around him turn back into the blood as it drenched the bed. The killer pulled away and walked to the window, He sends his last glare to the girl "This is not the last of me. There will be another killer who will kill you and they are far more dangerous than me..." He muttered and jumped out from the window. He could feel anger bubbling inside his chest, not believing that he just lost to his victim. It's also rare that his victim can escape him.

~ Cliffhanger~


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this chapter!




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