Chapter 20

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A/N: The picture isn't mine. Credit to the owner, PSlenDy from Deviantart. In this chapter, you will meet Slenderman. This chapter will contain gore, violence, profanities, and some scenes that might be triggering to some of the readers. I'm sorry if this chapter would be triggering for some readers and please read this chapter with caution. Enjoy.




Normal humans cannot destroy the shield but he was able to give a little bit of crack on the shield. I know that I don't have much time to defeat them. As a result, I use the last of my energy by creating a huge portals and sent them to the portals to the unknown place.

Finally, I was able to protect (Y/N) again from the danger. I just hope the next one would be easy as I let (Y/) takes control of me and sleep in the darkness.


(Y/N) POV:

A light began invading my eye sight, making me slightly hiss since it's too bright for my eyes 'What happened?' I thought while sitting up. There were many decaying woods, debris that had fallen from the ceiling, broken glasses and many ruined furniture. 'How did I end up in here? what time is it?' I thought, rubbing my head with my hand. Then, I remember what happened yesterday after meeting with two people. One of them tricked me by leading me to this abandoned building, and locking me inside.

After that, everything turns black and I didn't remember anything happen after blacking out. My whole body also aching in pain after blacking out. " What the hell did I do when I blacked out? My whole body feels like on fire or getting crushed by a boulder...' I thought as I massage the back of my head and standing up, dusting off my clothes with both of my hands. It wasn't a pleasant feeling since the headache and the strain of my muscles making me limping to the exit door.


The door was unlocked and my eyes widened in surprise "Why I cannot open this door at yesterday? Did those monsters locked me after I got inside?' I thought as both of my hands pushing the door open. The light from the sun almost burning my eyes and in instinct, I cover my eyes with my other hand while going out from the abandoned house. After getting out from the building, there were many voice of children's laughter, people's chatter, vehicles, birds, and falling leaves.

It was beautiful sight but the real problem is, I'm not familiar with this place at all. I'm completely lost, hungry, cold, no transportation, no money, and I don't have my cellphone. ' What a fucking great day! Maybe I can rot in hell and die right here and right now, that would be lovely' note the sarcasm. Moreover, there's no one I know in the current area, making me look like a lost puppy with no owner. However, I'm not a complete idiot by just standing there and staring at nothing so I'm starting my journey to search my house. 'Cole going to be pissed if I go home with this condition' I thought while walking aimlessly.

Along the way, there were a nice old lady with a nice dress. She noticed that I was getting hungry and she gave me some cheese bread to ease my stomachache for not eating anything from the yesterday evening until this morning. The nice old lady also told me "Be careful dearie, there are many bad people in this part of the town." Yeah, I just met them yesterday evening and they tried to kill me. Lot's of them tried to kill me, it was a miracle that I survived all of them even if I had a big injury because of them.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now