Chapter 19

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A/N: The picture isn't mine. Credit to the owner, chrisozfulton from Deviantart. In this chapter, you will meet Hobo heart and Puppeteer. This chapter will contain gore, violence, profanities, and some scenes that might be triggering to some of the readers. I'm sorry if this chapter would be triggering for some readers and please read this chapter with caution. By the way, we found a name for your "dark persona" in this story. Her name will be Rue.



Third Person POV:

"Yeah, We will never mess with you anymore!" Candy pop followed after him.

"Mark my words. If you ever trespass me again. You will have the same faith as Laughing Jack...." she threatened.

"We will!" They shivered in fear.

"Bring me back to my world....Now" she said in demonic voice.


(Y/N) POV:

Everything was dark and my eyes feel heavy, just like before where I met three demonic killers that brought me into the digital world. My throat feels as dry as the desert in the Dasht-e Lut. There's a horrible pain in every inch of my body. The nightmare feel so real, especially their creepy laughter. Their hard grip on my hands, and their glares that can send someone into comatose. 'It felt so real, the nightmare feel so real.' I thought, rubbing the back of my head to ease my headache.

There was a knock from outside of the door, "Come in!" I yell, allowing the person who are outside of the door to come inside my room. It was Cole, on his left hand there's a plate of waffles drenched in Maple syrup with blueberry and strawberry cuts. On his right hand, there's a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallow on top of the hot chocolate. The smell of waffles and the hot chocolate began invading the whole bedroom, making my stomach growling out loud. He looks at me and laughs as my cheeks getting more and more red in each second.

"Hahahaha! Are you really that hungry??" He told me in between his laughter.

"Shut the hell up!" I throw one of my pillow at him. hitting him on the stomach.

"Ouch! You're so mean (Y/N)!" He pouts, sulking in the corner.

"Then, don't laugh at me" I roll my eyes at him.

"Haha, sorry-sorry. I'll stop" he said as he put the plate and the mug on the nightstand.

"Thank you," I said as I look at him cleaning the nightstand after putting the plate and the mug.

The air was filled with silence but not an awkward kind of silence. It was rather a comforting kind of silence. A tiny light went through from the tiny gap of the window, showing a little bit of outsides view. Finally, I can relax today after all of those traumatizing and scary experience with those killers and demons. ' I'm glad I can relax now but....How did those killers knows who am I? I just got out from the hospital and suddenly all of them are targeting me like there's no tomorrow.' I thought, while holding the chocolate mug, sipping them quietly.







Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now