Chapter 17,5

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A/N: Sorry for the long update! I was really sick and busy because of the college and thank you for the 1.000 reading! Thank you so much everyone! Anyway, the picture isn't mine and credit to the owner! The creator is Okumuraja from Deviantart! Anyway, in this chapter you will meet Lost Silver, Glitchy Red and Dark Link! Please read this story with caution, there will be profanity, violence and gore.



'Embrace your dark side'

' I'm going to show you how it feels to be unable to choose your own fate'

' Am I a joke to you?'

'Why did I have to die, just because I'm a hero?'

'This game is over for you'



(Y/N) POV:

Everything was cold, it feels like an ice but far more creepy and threatening than before. Every inch of my body feels tingly and prickly, as if I'm covered with a sharp grass or covered with broken glasses. It's a metaphor, I know I'm not literally covered with those things. My eyes feels really heavy, it feels like my eyes were glued with a super glue. The ground was also cold and hard, it feels like I'm lying on a rock or a floor. 'Ughh' I groaned slightly, trying to ease or ignore the throbbing pain

Slowly, my senses were coming back and I can open my eyes finally even though it was hard for me to open it. I rub my eyes with both of my eyes and adjusting my gaze, it was still blurry but it's better than before. Everything seems really creepy, there were many dead trees, plants, ground breaks and also a black goo. I just hope it's not what I think it is, if it's what I think it is. I would puke my guts out and rather jump of from the cliff. Okay, not really but reeks so bad, like a rotten meat.

'Where Am I?' I thought, looking around the disturbing place. Strangely, I could see some glitches like a computer, not only glitches but also a buzzing sound like a broken computer. It was scary, there's no one to help me and some of the characters that seems to be online are dead inside, can't interact with them at all. After thinking and standing, doing nothing for straight three minutes. There's some words appearing right in front of my eyes, it has a red color like blood.

'Why did I have to die, just because I'm a hero?'

'This game is over for you'


Surprise was understatement. Every inch of my soul filled with fear, anxiety, worry, dread, and all those bad feeling that hard to be described. There's a lump in my throat and I'm began sweating, I bit my own lips, trying not to scream my head off. I made two back step, dodging the words that seems getting closer to me until I feel something hard like a wall on my beck. I quickly turn around. Standing there, two different men staring into my soul, one of them has no limbs and he has a monochrome color while the other one has an evil version Ash Ketchum look alike with glitches and red eyes.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now