Chapter 43

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Also, I would like to thank you for the six thousand reads and for all of the two hundred votes. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.



Third Person POV:

With a knife in her hand, she stabs the eyes of the dragon before she pulls it out from the socket of the demon. (Y/N) closes her eyes and cringes softly before she opens her mouth to eat the demon's eyes, she could feel that she wants to vomit the thing out but she didn't do it. As the result, Rue and (Y/N) could feel the new power growing deep inside of them. Now, the two of them could disappear as Leviathan did.


It was six and a half late in the afternoon with the sun going down slowly before the sky is going to be decorated by the stars and moon. All Slenderman proxies were exhausted by the recent activity they had done together, killing the ruler of Envy along with his venomous snake calvaries as those creatures has lethal bites with one snap of a jaw before killing the person slowly and painfully.

For those who are immortals or have everlasting life with the age of a hundred years or more, the bites of those evil spirits and dangerous creatures would bring absolute pain to them as their skin would turn darker slowly because of the bite. As the result, some of the killers that got bitten are currently lying on top of the hospital beds and the tiny transparent hose was hooked to their wrists.

(Y/N) Aphelion, not only didn't get any kind of injuries from the lavender eye demon and survive his breath fire but she was also the one who is sitting on the corner and paying attention to three proxies that got bitten by the venomous snake, it was the killer with a split black-white mask that was custom-made for him, the killer with long jet black hair and heterochromia eyes, and lastly it was her older brother.

The girl did not have any kind of knowledge in the medical field, unlike Doctor Smiley, Slenderman, and Eyeless Jack but she did not have the heart to leave those who are injured after the battle since it feels like she failed those who are intended to help her. Their hiss of pain along with the pained groan made (Y/N)'s heart trampled as she saw Nathan's and Cole's darkened skin around Cole's left wrist and Nathan's right ankle.

Considering those three injuries, she decides to tell Doctor Smiley and Eyeless Jack that she would help watch over them. and taking care of them whereas they can create the antidote to remove the poison in their body system. The two of them were hesitant at first, afraid that (Y/N) is going to mess everything up but seeing her eyes and her frown. Eyeless Jack and Doctor Smiley decide to let her take care of them since she's better than Nurse Ann when taking care of patients. 

As a result, she is currently thinking about what she should do to help to ease Nathan The Nobody, Kagekao and Cole's pain until an idea popped into her mind before her footsteps echo in the hallway and cause a small earthquake on the ground, alarming some of the proxies who was also on that floor too.

Inside the kitchen, (Y/N) hands grab several clean and dry clothes, soap, and a bucket that is already filled with clean water. Soon after, the girl takes the necessities in her hand and brings them to her hand before she was going back to the medical room, kicking the door since both of her hands were full of clothes, soal and the bucket as she was getting inside without spilling the water anywhere.

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