Chapter 10

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A/N: The picture isn't mine because I got it from Pinterest and I don't know who is the creator of this picture. Message me if you are the creator of If you know who is the creator. For this chapter, I'm not going to make Hoodie as a shy idiot (I'm just going to make him less social but not shy) and I'm not going to make both of Masky and Hoodie as a Cheesecake idiot lover because the "Cheesecake joke" actually a fat shame joke to the real actor of Marble Hornets (Tim Sutton). So, please if you actually fan of Cps....don't use the cheesecake joke or portray Masky and Hoodie as a cheesecake lover because it means you are fat shaming to the real actor. I'm still fucking pissed with some of the fanfiction that portraying Hoodie as a stuttering idiot and fat shaming Masky by portraying him as a cheesecake lover. Just fucking stop portraying Masky and hoodie as a cheesecake lover. Please, you are indirectly fat shaming The actor of Masky. Thank you for listening to my rant.



His eyes widened when she was able to slash his chest with the broken glass. He lost his balance and fell to the ground, she kicked the axe away before he could grab it and she put the sharp part of the bottle on his neck, threatening him. 

"I might be weak.....but I'm not dumb," You growled.

"...Fine, I'll l-leave you alone. This I-is not the l-last of me, t-the name's Ticci Toby" He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

 She moved away as he grabbed his axe and walked away, leaving the girl uninjured. 



I stood up as I watch the giant figure with the axe disappear. I know he's not an actual giant but he's built and also taller than me. I swear that this guy that I just faced is already built for fighting or already born to become a killing machine. I know he didn't injure me like the other killers but I can sense that he is dangerous as well and maybe a little bit far more dangerous than the white hooded killer since he swings his axe easily like a boomerang. 

My legs move as I push myself up and clean the dust on my clothes. If Cole saw the dirt on my clothes, he probably gonna freak out and then start questioning what happen and he probably going to be overprotective. He's sometimes acts like a father figure or brother although I don't mind his attention even though it can be a little bit annoying. My eyes moved to the broken glass on my hands and threw it to the dumpster. 

There were footsteps sounds and my eyes looked up to see Tim and Brian standing there with a surprised face. It was clear that worry feeling is written across their faces as their eyes looked at me up and down. 

"Hey, You okay?" Tim asked. 

"What happens?" Brian asked.

"Did the person almost kill you?" Tim asked again. 

"I'm alright, Yes, the guy did try to kill me but I threaten him with the broken glass so he let me go before I can stab him with the edges of a broken wine bottle," I explained. 

"I'm glad you are fine. We should go home before more dangerous people comes out. It's clear that a lot of killers roaming and targeting you lately," Tim explain.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now