Chapter 4

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A/N: Oya? HEY HEY HEY! Thank you everyone for being patient with my story. I'm sorry that I haven't updated the story in such a long time. Yes, I did use the 'Hey hey hey' Line from Haikyuu (Bokuto Kotarou) and 'Oya' from Haikyuu (Kuroo Tetsurou). College gave me a lot of assignment, that's why I haven't updated this story in such a long time.



"So, what's your name?" Jessica asked.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) but you can call me (N/M)," I smiled.

"(Y/N) huh? Pretty cute name If I must say," Tim smirked at me.

"Yeah," Brian agreed, which made my ears and cheeks felt warm.

"Tim! Brian! Don't embarrass her! Sorry about that, my name is Jessica. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice To Meet you too, Jessica" I smiled.



My eyes drift to everyone in the seats as they seem to have a good time with Cole, he tells everyone jokes.....but some of his jokes are so bad and cringe-worthy but they don't seem to mind his jokes at all. A sigh escaped from my mouth and I can feel my stomach growling loudly like an angry dragon, loud and clear. "Hungry? I could call the waiter for us," Cole offer me as his hand going closer to the bell. "Sure, I don't mind," I answer him and shrugs.



After those colossal hands hit the tip of the bell several times. A young lady with a green uniform, medium skin tone, green eyes and sandy blonde hair with a bun came up to us with menu books in her hand. "Welcome to the Green Area restaurant. How can we help you, ladies and gentleman?" She asks all of us as she has a thick Australian accent on her. "We want to order now," Jay replies. The waiter gives a curtsy nods at us and she gives us the menu "If you are ready to order, just press down the bell. One of us will come." I watch her as her feet begin walking away, leaving us to order something.

"I'll just have Greek Marinated Salmon With Tzatziki Sauce with Lemon Meyer Bars for Dessert and Earl Grey Tea. What about you?" Cole asked.

"I'll have the same Dessert as you but my main course is Butter chicken and my drink is Green Tea Milkshake," I looked at the pictures on the menu. It seems interesting.

"What about you guys?" Cole asked.

"We both will have Spinach Stuffed Chicken Rolls," Jay said

"With Pavlova and Blueberry Jams with Cappuccino," Jessica said.

"I'll have Chicken cordon blue, Banana pudding parfait, and Black coffee," Tim said.

"I'll have Beef Goulash, Chocolate Mousse and English Breakfast Tea," Brian said.

Third Person POV:

Cole nods and pressed the bell again, the waiter heard the ring and she came up to their table with notes and a pen in her hand. She looked down at the notes "Okay, what's your orders gentleman and ladies?" She asked. The tall man smiled and spoke, " We will have Greek Marinated Salmon With Tzatziki Sauce, two Lemon Meyer Bars, Earl Grey Tea, Butter chicken, Green Tea Milkshake, Two Spinach stuffed chicken rolls, two pavlovas with blueberry jams, two cappuccinos, Chicken cordon blue, Banana pudding parfait, Black coffee, Beef Goulash, Chocolate Mousse and English Breakfast Tea." She nods and wrote down their orders to her notes.

After writing down their orders, she clicked the pen and put it inside her front jeans pocket. "Please wait for thirty minutes. I and my friend will come with your orders," She bows down again and her feet began moving away from the table. The poor girl felt cold around her neck and on her figure, she feels something bad going to happen and it made her more aware of her surrounding. It feels like something evil and dangerous lurking right now, she did not know how to handle it and chooses to go.

"Hey Cole, can I go? I wanna go to the nearest stationary book," She asked him to go.

Cole looks up to (Y/N) after he heard those words escaped from her lips. He smiles and took his purse from his bag, his hand began moving around inside the bag and took his purse out from the bag. His hands move again to take the green papers out from his purse and handed those papers to her. Her eyes moved into the green papers on her hand and count the total of the dollars. He gave her a total of two 10 dollars with five 1 dollars.

"Just buy what you need and only two books. Am I Clear?" Cole asked.

"Crystal," You smiled cheekily.

"Okay, be quick. Just go to the near escalator beside this restaurant and turn left. There will be a stationary shop called 'StationPad Store'," He explained.

"Okay, Thank you," Her feet move again as her form slowly disappeared into the crowds.

(Y/N) POV:

I try to ignore this creepy feeling in my gut. Somehow, it's a little bit hard to ignore these feelings, it keeps appearing when I tried to forget this feeling. I stepped into the moving escalator and waited until it reaches the second floor. I can see there's a lot of stores on the second floor, there were clothing stores, stationery, furniture, and beauty store. I squint my eyes and see the station store that Cole mentioned as I rushed to get inside the small store. Book Scents began to overwhelm my nose, loving the scent.

There are not a lot of people in here but I can see some people had fun shopping for what they want. The first row sells cute pen, pencils, erasers, correction tape, sharpener and highlighter. Since Cole told me to save some money, I only bought two pencils, two pens, an eraser, correction tape and three highlighters with blue, yellow and green colour. Not forgetting to count, the total would be 10 dollars. The book I bought only two which are Harry Potter and Percy Jackson book. Blame Cole for making me like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.

Before I put the book into the plastic bag, I feel the creepy feeling again in my heart and I turn around to see a pair of red eyes staring at me. I couldn't see the person's face because the eyes are in the darkness. It wasn't only one pair of red eye but also two pair of red eyes with one pair of green eyes. The eyes are glowing in the dark and I could feel my fear creeping in my soul. There's nothing I could do except going to the cashier quickly and run away from the creepy stares I got. Forgetting my favourite books in the end.

Evil chuckles could be heard even I'm far away from them. Realizing the condition, I know in fact that I'm in danger and some people are stalking or targeting me.



Thank you for reading. I hope you like this story!




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