Chapter 29

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A/N: I'm aware that Nick Vanill is gay (Actually, I'm not sure if he's gay or Bisexual) but in this story. I will make him Bisexual since he has an ex named Elska. In this chapter, you will meet Nick Vanill. This chapter will contain violence, gore, profanities, and other things that could trigger the reader. Please read this chapter with caution, don't say that I haven't warned you. Anyway, thank you for the one thousand reads. I hope you enjoy it! The picture is not mine, credit to the owner Zellsama from Deviantart.



Third Person POV:

Kate the Chaser and Suicide Sadie's mouths were wide with eyes expanded with disbelief. They looked at the girl on top of the medic mattresses, "Oh wow, Slenderman isn't that protective. Are you his child or something?" Kate asked her, still in a disbelief state. (Y/N) was silent for a bit before putting her finger on her lips, shushing the two of them, "No, I'm not his child.....but I was his first proxy along with my brother," she told them with a wink along with a cheeky smile.


Kate and Sadie looked at her with disbelief after hearing her confession, it was too surprising for the two of them because they thought the first SCP was Masky and Hoodie. They suddenly ran up to her, scaring (Y/n) who almost jumped away because of their reaction after telling them. 

"No way!" Kate got closer to her. 

"You're not lying, right?! Masky and Hoodie gotta be the first proxy!" Sadie said, still in disbelief. 

"I-it's true guys. Y-you can ask Slenderman if you don't believe me," (Y/N) stuttered. 

It was clear that (Y/N) felt a little bit cramped after they got closer and closer to her, she knew that they are curious but in this situation, it's only going to be hard for her to explain everything. Sadie noticed and gave her some space before pulling Kate's away from her. 

Sadie quickly looks at her before bowing down at her, 'Sorry about that. You can continue explaining to us,' she said before sitting across from her but with some space, not wanting (Y/N) to be uncomfortable. Kate was going to complain and disagree with her, wanting to be closer when she hears her explanation but then Sadie shook her head, stopping her immediately. 

After an explanation of how (Y/N) became the first proxy together with her brother, they were too speechless to comment on anything about it. She understands that the two of them are too shocked by the new information they got from her. The girl tried to bring them to reality, "Guys, are you alright? Is it too weird?" she asked. 

"No! It's just really surprising for us. Does that mean you're older than us?" Kate asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure about that," she shrugged

"How close you are to your brother?" Sadie asked, tilting her head to the side. 

"He always takes care of me since young. Of course, we are going to be really close," she explained to Sadie.

"So, you never fight with him?" Sadie asked again, still curious about her relationship with her older brother.

"Why are you asking that? We fought, but it never goes out of hand." she raised her eyebrows. 



Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now