Chapter 33

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A/N: The picture is not mine, credit to the owner of the picture Trashy-Blaze from Deviantart (Also the creator). This chapter will contain mention of smoking, profanities, and other things that could trigger the reader. Please read this chapter with caution, don't say that I haven't warned you. Anyway, thank you for the one thousand reads. I hope you enjoy it!



Third Person POV:

X-Virus immediately leaves her alone, not wanting to be one next victim. He's just glad that he didn't turn into the next Laughing Jack, remembering his current condition.


There was a dripping voice but it wasn't a loud sound but neither soft too, like a sound of dripping water in the cave which those sounds were a little bit eerie. Opening both of her eyes, she could see herself inside of a strange cave with only a few lights that only helps a little bit. (Y/N) wondered where she could be, she remember she had a fight with one of the Slender's proxies but she doesn't remember the name, only the look of the guy.

He looks like the twin version of Ticci TOby but with blue eyes and a green shirt underneath his black hoodie, 'who was he.....and where am I?' (Y/N) asks herself, wondering why she is in some kind of creepy place. Blinking her eyes, she quickly gave some strength to herself to push her back from the ground, positioning herself in a sitting position before she looks at her surrounding once again.

It was clear that the girl was very weirded out by the condition but she didn't let any sounds nor or scream in panic, only looking around "Anyone in here?" There was no reply. Carefully, (Y/N) stands up feeling some aches on her legs and her back but it wasn't too painful because her muscles got a little bit strained. Looking down, she could see murky water and her reflection on it.

"Where am I" (Y/N) asks herself.

"You're in here my dear," A stranger came out of nowhere.

The girl almost screams out thousands of profanities and launched it towards the stranger but she didn't want to lose her composure and make a fool of herself. Turning around, she would see another person who has her looks but her eyes has no lights in them. The colour of her scleras was as dark as night with a white pupil as white as a paper, there was a strange mark on her face, she knew it's a Runic alphabet but she cannot tell the word.

A red and burgundy sleeve attached to her armour, creating beautiful yet scary clothing with the sword attached to her back. It's not only that, the girl in front of her has three eyes with one of them are on the forehead but with a red lens on it. "Who.....are you?" (Y/N) asks, a little bit intimidated by the creature in front of her.

"I am no one important, I am just another part of you," she steps closer, cornering the other girl.

"If you're not important, why are you in here then and if you are a part of me. It should be important," (Y/N) raised one of her eyebrows, asking her.

".....Smart, well you could say I am I always save you from the other creepypasta who are trying to kill you," The creature said, placing her finger under (Y/N)'s chin.

"Wait, so you're the one who sent Laughing Jack in those conditions???? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" (Y/N) Angrily screams before shoving her away, making Rue irritated.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now