Chapter 12

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A/N: Oya oya? HEY HEY HEY!!! Thank you for the >300 reads. I'm sorry if there are a lot of Grammar errors and I hope you enjoy the story. The picture isn't mine, credit to the owner. If you know the creator, please tell. Another warning, there will be so much gore in this chapter. Please read this chapter with caution.



I could feel something powerful surrounded me as my eyes glows white, bearing my sharp fangs at him. My hands turns into claws, curse mark appear on my face as I let one word out.



Third Person POV:

Shock was understatement, it was written all over the clown's face. However, it wasn't only a shock. Shock, Amusement, with a little bit of fear sprinkle inside of the monochrome clown's soul. How can a human have a dark power? No, she isn't a human at all. Her eyes white as a snow, her face filled with a cursed words with a Runic Alphabets. The air was filled with hatred and darkness. A red light seeping around her. Normal human doesn't have white eyes with a cursed mark and the red light. Clearly, she is something supernatural.

His frown turn into the biggest grin, showing his sharp fangs like a shark. He cackled, but it wasn't a laughter where he found it's funny, It was far more chilling and eerie. "So.....the sugar isn't just a normal human....interesting~" he hisses in amusement. The demon inside of her tilted her head as it stares at the demonic clown, letting a huge loud screech with a deafening volume. "You....Killed....her.....Now, You need for...what you did" it rasped, speaking with so much venom and anger inside her voice.

"AS YOU WISH!!!" The clown charges as he swipe his sharp claws towards the demonic girl. Before the claws touches her skin, the girl disappears instantly and appeared behind the clown. His eyes widened when the girl disappear right in front of his eyes. The clown turns around and saw her.


Pain surging around his form.....he could heard a nasty crack sound from his back. A hiss of pain escapes through his lips, he glares at the girl who are standing right in front of him. She didn't even touch him at all, instead, a dark cloud surrounded him and slammed him to the ground, bruising his lanky back. The dark smoke around him slowly engulfing him little bit more tight, squeezing him painfully. His scream of pain fills the tent, trying to alarm other proxies about the demonic girl in front of him.

The girl cackles as she shows the jagged mouth after her form was complete, showing her real monster form. She raises her hand to show some of the marionettes on her hands. She giggles an grips it hard, dismembering the minions or burning them just in one second. None of them were left behind, all of them.....die instantly aster she destroy the marionettes on her hand, using it as a voodoo doll.

"Dance in my hand, you pitiful marionette....," The girl mocked him.

"Ack! LET GO OF ME!!!" He screech.

"AS you wish.." She smirks.

The dark smoke lift him up again slowly into 10 meters tall above from the ground. Laughing Jack realizes, he really mess with a wrong person. The smoke disappears and he fell from the sky "NOOO!!!!"







The scream was heard by the two pair of black and green eyes, hearing the scream of pain from far away. They looked at each other and nods as they began running to the abandoned park "That scream was really loud. I wonder why Laughing Jack screams really loud," Liu mutters. Jane looks at him and nods "It's really strange, L.J rarely screams in pain. Usually, it's his laughter that has a booming volume. Or maybe it's a kid that has a similar voice with him, I hope," Jane follows him from the side.

Upon arriving the abandoned amusement park, they didn't really see anything changes until they got inside the main park with Masky and Hoodie who appears suddenly and joins both of them. The masked killers also curious what just happened, it's supposed to be Jessica and You who screams in pain. But instead, they only hear Jessica and Laughing Jack who screams in pain. Aren't you and Jessica just a normal human being? How can a human can made a gigantic lanky monochrome clown screams in pain and not a laughter.

Their eyes instantly widened after opening the zip of the tent to see Jessica killed and Laughing Jack with a huge injury, his blood pooling around him, he also seems to be in pain and hard to breath normally. His voice also guttural, hard to talk normally. "JACK!! WHAT HAPPEN?"Jane rushes to the lanky clown and looks at his injuries. Luckily, Jack is immortal and with the injury on him....normal human won't survive with that kind of injury. They also see some some painful bumps on him. It seems....his back was broken because of the impact.

"T-the...gir-girl..." He coughed.

"Let me call Slendy, don't talk now." Liu orders as he pick his phone and presses several numbers.

"The girl???You mean...the one who you suppose to trap and kill?" Masky ask in disbelieve.

The clown's silence answers his question, he was surprised. How can a tiny human can injure the humongous clown? It doesn't make sense at all. Sure it's surprising if she can escape, but injuring the demon clown? Impossible. His eyes draft to the surrounding of the tent, he sees laughing jack's minions were also murdered brutally. Some of them were dismembered completely and some of them also cut into half, separating the bottom and the top of their body completely.

"Tim, do you think what I'm thinking?" Brian asks.

"That (Y/N) isn't a normal human? It can be. It's impossible to kill all of this mindless minions and injure Laughing Jack unless she is a supernatural being," Tim explains.

"Should we tell Slenderman about this?" Brian asks again

"Yeah, after bring him to E.J. For Zalgo's sake, I think we need at least two or three killers to encounter her."

There was a buzzing noise and a tall man with suit appears right in front of them. Even though the man is faceless, it's clear that the man is clearly angry after seeing one of his proxies got injured. How do they know that he's seething even though he doesn't have a face. It's a clear sign that he's angry from the loud static sound with a loud growl from the man.

"Find out about her more...that girl can be zalgo's spouse. If it's true that she's zalgo spouse then we need to kill her immediately."


"Yes sir."

"Understand sir"

"We'll do sir."

~ Cliffhanger ~


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this chapter!




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