Chapter 5

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Before I put the book into the plastic bag, I feel the creepy feeling again in my heart and I turn around to see a pair of red eyes staring at me. I couldn't see the person's face because the eyes are in the darkness. It wasn't only one pair red eye but also two pair red eyes with one pair green eyes. The eyes are glowing in the dark and I could feel my fear creeping in my soul. There's nothing I could do expect going to the cashier quickly and run away from the creepy stares I got. Forgetting my favorite books in the end.

Evil chuckles could be heard even I'm far away from them. Realizing the condition, I Know in fact that I'm in danger and there are some people who are stalking or targeting me.


(Y/N) POV:

I fastened my steps, knowing something dangerous are stalking me from far away even though I try to act brave as if nothing happen to me at all. Believe me, I can sense those three pair eyes are following me and I know those pair eyes has a bad intention to me. Those eyes could give anyone nightmare, even the bravest person or people who loves horror stories. My heart beats louder and louder, knowing I'm not safe anymore and I need to go to Cole quickly before those people hurt me.

My fast walk slowly getting faster and faster until it turns into running. I'm not much of a running person because from what I see, I have a small form and I'm not build for sport. Those why, I can feel my breath getting ragged as I'm running. I looked at left and see two guys, they aren't normal at all. One guy, he has a blue eyes but I can see his lip was cut into his cheeks as he smiled wickedly at me while twirling his knife on his hand and mouthed 'Go to sleep'. I ran faster than before, not realizing something....or someone in front of me.

"I'm sorry" I said

I rub my head gently, feeling slightly hurt because my head hit the person in front of me until I opened my eyes and looking at the person. He has a green hoodie, messy blond hair, and red eyes but I saw his glitches and I see his real reflection. He has a black eye with bloody red pupils as the blood dripping slowly from his eyes. Before his hand could grab mine, I jumped away and running away again as I fastened my pace, searching any safe spot to hide from this crazy people.

Something pulled me real hard and it almost made me stumbled a little bit. Thinking it was my brother, I quickly turn around and speak "Cole! He-" A guy standing with something behind his back. He wore a goggles and also a mouth guard that protected half of his face. His eyes were sharp, I couldn't guess his eye color because he wore a goggle with orange lens. What makes me terrified, it's the axe behind his back as it has a dried blood on it. HOW THE HELL HE CAN GET INSIDE THIS PLACE WITHOUT THE POLICE NOTICE HIM! I SWEAR THERE'S POLICE OR GUARD IN EVERY LOBBY!

"G-Going S-Somewhere?" He twitched.

"You can run but you cannot hide~" The guy with cut mouth came up to us.

"You shouldn't have done that~" The guy with green hoodie smirked as he's behind the guy with cut mouth too.

My hands react faster as I slapped the guy with mouth guard hands away from mine and continue running from the maniacs. Not gonna lie but it feels like I'm in Diabolik Lovers expect those people who targeting me now.....I know they are going to kill me if they catch me instead of drinking my blood. Moreover, I don't have much strength right now since I could feel my lungs burning like the pit of hell fire.

I stopped for a moment before my legs going to give out at any moment and tried to control my breathing. Next time, If I survive from this maniacs, I promise that I would do morning run with Cole's dogs and do easy exercise every morning with the dogs too.

"C-cole?!?!" I tried to call him.

Crap, I left my bag with my brother and the phone is inside the bag. My life....are screwed, Why AM i such an idiot?! Leaving my bag to my brother and not bringing my phone. A Sigh escaped from my lips again and I heard footsteps from far away, knowing it's the weird people again who were chasing me. An idea struck me as I see the toilet sign near me and I got inside quickly. I know they haven't see me when I ran away. Thus, I heard their shouts and their curses for loosing me and their footsteps were getting far away from the female's restroom.

A smile painted across my face as my hand swiped the sweat on my forehead. Did I say I'm not much of a runner? Yeah, I'm not much of a runner but it seems if I'm in danger, I can run fast as adrenaline pumped through my blood. My hand moved to the handle of the door and opened it carefully without making any noises so I wouldn't alert those crazy people. I didn't see anyone and I know I'm save....for now. My feet moves again as I come to the 'Green Area' Restaurant, holding my aching muscles on my ankle and my feet.

Finally, I see Cole from far away and I came up to him. "I'm back, I buy what I need and only one book...." I said. He raises his eyebrows as he looked at me with worry "What happen? You're also sweating a lot." I forgot about that, but I decide to tell the truth but only the half of it. "I think someone is targeting me because they are chasing me. I'm not sure who are they."

A sudden warm enveloped my body and I could hear his muttering under his breath. Guilt...guilt but also relieved, I can sense that he is feeling guilty but also feeling relieved. My ears picked some of his whispers 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry' and 'I'm glad you are fine'. My lips curved slightly and my arms wrapped his gigantic form around his waist. His hugs really warm, like father hugging their daughter.

"It's okay, let's eat and then go home quickly," I pat his back.

"A-alright," He smiled.

After I sit down nest to Jessica and Jay. We began chatting together with other guys as all of us throw our best jokes, earning laughter from all of them. Some of them are so bad that it makes it really funny and mostly those jokes were either from Tim or Cole. The waiter came with our ordered foods and we all ate in peace without any disturbance. Cole paid the food for everyone and all of us goes back to our home. I hope, after all those chasing and horror event, I'm save from those people who chased me around.



Thank you for reading! I hope you like it




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