Chapter 9

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A/N; Oya Oya? Wazzup my fellow readers, followers and friends! How are you today? Anyway, this chapter is where you will survive from Eyeless Jack. So, please read this chapter with caution again because there will be a gore part. If you squeamish, please don't read this chapter. The picture isn't mine, credit to the owner.



 The thorns around him turn back into the blood as it drenched the bed. The killer pulled away and walked to the window, He sends his last glare to the girl "This is not the last of me. There will be another killer who will kill you and they are far more dangerous than me..." He muttered and jumped out from the window. He could feel anger bubbling inside his chest, not believing that he just lost to his victim. It's also rare that his victim can escape him.



My eyes opened and there was a stinging feeling on my right palm. My eyes drifted to my hand and my eyes widened as I see there's a huge gash on my palm. I quickly pressed the bell button and there's a lanky nurse came up to me "What is the problem?" She asked kindly. I didn't tell her anything but I show my injured right hand, she looked at it and nods as she takes the alcohol and cleaned my hand. A hiss escaped my lips, trying to hold the stinging feeling on my palm since it hurts like hell. She also aids my wound by giving my palm an antiseptic solution and then wrapped my right palm with a bandage. From what I've seen, it's not a deep cut. Therefore, the nurse didn't panic at all since it doesn't need stitches.

Do you know when you accidentally cut yourself because of the paper corner or paper cut? It's far more painful than other cuts and that's what it feels like right now. The nurse looked up at me and nods "Done, you may rest now M s. (Y/N) (L/N)." She stood up and left the room since she's done aiding my scalpel cut. I put my hand away and slept peacefully, silently praying that no one is targeting me tomorrow. Not gonna lie but I didn't remember anything after I laid down on the bed. Only remember there was a sudden pain in my right palm. 




???? POV: 

There was a slight 'cling' sound as I cut the waffle into half. The cut proportion was messy because my ticks make it harder to cut the waffle on the plate. Nevertheless, I don't care about the messy cuts since I'm going to eat them. My hand moved my mask down and I shoved the waffles to my mouth, loving the sweet taste as the syrup drenches the waffles. As I was going to shove another waffle piece, I heard the door slammed open and my eyes moved to Eyeless Jack. His hand was bleeding and he is slightly growling. 

It's a rare sight to see E.J angry since he is very calm and collected. This is my first time seeing him seething in anger. I mean, I saw him got angry before but it was because of 'the heat' where demon usually goes berserk. I stopped myself and asked him. "Y-you okay?" I ticked. He sighed and nods, trying to calm himself before he can do more damages since he doesn't want to freak others out. 

"The girl...." He muttered.

"What's w-wrong with h-her?" I tick.

"S...she's tricky and I don't think she is human," He take a gulp of water.

"S-so, Tomorrow is m-my turn, right?" I asked

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